View Full Version : Western Hognose eating habits

12-08-04, 11:01 AM
We recently got a Western Hognose. He is 8" long but we are unsure of his age. He ate F/T pinkie 7 times every 5 days without any problems. On the 8th time he refused after noseing the mouse around and then put in a hide over night. 5 days later we tried again and he took it readily after nudging it around the table for awhile. I was wondering why he did that and if it is common or if there could be a problem with his food. Thanks for any advice and this is my first snake.

12-08-04, 04:07 PM
mine does that as well, he will refuse everything for weeks, then eat 3 at a time (3 4-5day old mice that is).

12-08-04, 11:33 PM
My hogs do that aswell, HAMMER hoppers for a few weeks, then tapper off for about 2-3. Once they refuse I dont offer for almost 2 weeks JUST because I know their habits and this is quite regular.

PS: Hogs are THE BEST snake for a beginner, not too big, little feeding probs etc. good luck with your little guy they sure are a blast.

12-09-04, 05:07 PM
Thanks for the replies. We had heard that they could go off feed for a while, we just wanted to be sure that there was nothing wrong with him. We definately love him, he's a great little snake. We also have a ball python. Thanks for the replies.
