View Full Version : herp tattoos?

12-08-04, 01:51 AM
Anyone here have any herp-related or similar tattoos? When I first started getting ink I threw everyone for a loop by NOT getting a venomous snake of some kind (they are my passion, hence, "SnakeGrrl"). I just have yet to be able to design a snake tat to my liking so it will have to wait.

Right now I am working on two 3/4 sleeves: my right arm being terrestrial inverts and passionflowers, and my left arm being marine inverts and kelp. I think I will take a break from my sleeve work and start on my back (as soon as my left shoulder is done.) I have a big monitor piece planned that will span from the base of my neck down to the small of my back. Problem is I can't decide between a glauerti or lacie! Hmm, maybe I can find a way to work them both in :D


These pics are from right when I got home from the shop so it's still a bit, inflamed, and shiny from the tat goo...the cuttlefish and the kelp are still unfinsihed until I can save up some pennies! I have another nudibranch on my shoulder above the kelp you can't see in these pics....


12-08-04, 09:05 AM
I got a monitor on my right shoulder, goes down almost to my elbow, and a small lizard on my leg. I'm gonna be getting my burm tattooed around my chest, up around my shoulder then its face on my neck. I get my tatts for free from a couple diff people, so it makes it easier to get large tatts

ps...sorry no pics i am too poor to have a digicam or a comp that can even support 1

12-11-04, 05:06 AM
last month i got my leopard gecko on my right shoulder blade. its realistic.. it was drawn from a pic of my boy. id post a pic, but i dont have any of it yet. it was my first tatt and im already planning my next one... a big mean pissed off chameleon on my left leg.

12-11-04, 05:48 PM
I have a collection of varanid tatoos people have sent to me for my photo files; the coolest is a fellow in IN who has a V. salvator bursting out of his bicep muscle on his arm. Anothr fellow has a V. dumerilii across his shoulders like it is sitting there; and a third guy has a monitor around his back with its tail going down along his Pen$s! The best is a pretty girl I know who has a varanid across her back/tush/coxyx region....very nice all of them....sorry I too do not have a scanner/digital camera and if I did I would have no idea how to use them...as for me, I abhore needles as I have had a life-time of injections, beginning with rabies shots in 1965~ after those, NO THANK YOU~


12-11-04, 06:25 PM
I have a small black tribal-like lizard on my right shoulder. The tattoo artist screwed up, so I'm planning to have it reworked, and perhaps add a nice background or something.


Later on, I'd love to get a tattoo of my web-footed gecko.

12-12-04, 08:30 AM
Wow Snakegrrl! Who is the artist? The shading on those is fantastic (and so is the subject matter)! I've got a python skeleton that wraps around my left thigh from knee to hip. It's just the outline for now. It took so long to get all the vertebrea and ribs done that I didn't get it shaded (had some scheduling issues), then my tattoo artist moved and I haven't found another I like as much since. No pics though... sorry. One of these days I'll get it finished, just need the right artist who is willing to shade 300 or so snake bones!

12-12-04, 09:29 AM
Enerald tree boa on my back and left shoulder continues to the chest.. with the head pertruding out me ribs... I'll try and get the pic up today.

12-12-04, 01:35 PM
If you're going to discuss them in this forum, stick to Varanid tattoos please to keep it on topic.

Kyle Barker
12-14-04, 11:18 PM
got any more pics snakegrrl? those are some of the nicer ones ive seen. very good. i have been thinking of doinf a similar type thing (not full sleeve though) jsut a slightly different theme. still plants and animals, jsut different ones.

you draw tehm up yourself?