View Full Version : More Dart Frog Pics...

Double J
12-06-04, 10:30 PM
Here is one of my juvenile powder blue Dendrobates tinctorius that I got from Mark Pepper. The flash has washed out the colour somewhat.. but they are still incredibly photogenic. These little frogs grow like weeds and gobble down pinheads and hydei like there is no tomorrow. It is incredible just how fast these guys can grow! I can't wait until they are full sized, meaty tincs. Great frogs!


12-06-04, 10:33 PM
Wow, very nice :)

Double J
12-06-04, 10:48 PM
If you like the tinc..... check out the reticulated auratus froglet. You gotta love good old auratus. Amongst all the dart frogs out there... auratus are still in my top five favorites. Tried tested and true.. auratus were the first frogs I have ever bred.
The reticulated auratus as pictured below are great frogs. I have found them to be a fair bit more shy than my other auratus morphs (I also keep standard green/black, as well as turquoise and bronze). That said.. I think they are my favorite aruatus morph. They just look so incredibly metallic in real life, almost to the point of looking fake.
Anyway, enjoy yet another pic.

PS... yes, they are from Mark Pepper as well..... and yes Hilde... you are yet again a grandmother of sorts. I do also have an older reticulated auratus directly from Hilde as well (thanks a bunch Hilde!!)

Anyway, enjoy!

12-07-04, 12:09 AM
The pattern is awesome, thanks for sharing! I just have to get some darts in the future :)

12-12-04, 12:37 AM
Awesome frogs, can't wait to make a natural viv for some of my own.

12-12-04, 01:05 AM
Really cool pics ;)

12-12-04, 05:51 AM
Oh I love seeing my 4 legged grandchildren. Thanks for posting the pictures :)