View Full Version : Protective plastic and plexiglass

12-06-04, 09:22 AM
Hey all..

Ok this may sound really odd but I can't seem to remove the protective plastic from my sheets of plexiglass without it tearing and ripping off in small finger sized chucks..

How do you all remove this stuff! it's almost part of the plexi now! solid blue doors will NOT work when I'm trying to SEE thru them to see my snakes..

Help please

12-06-04, 10:38 AM
ive never had that prob but try soaking it in water as you peel it off

12-06-04, 09:34 PM
Did heat it, or treat it with acid? Acid vapours could cause the annealing of the blue plastic. Plexiglass is and acrylic polymer, so, unfortunately, sounds like you have chemistry between your blue protective plastic, and your plexiglass. Maybe you should return it from where you bought it.

12-06-04, 09:36 PM
I called Home Depot here and they are offering to replace the pieces with brand new ones.. apparently that stock batch was recalled cause of this exact problem.. so even though I've cut it from the orginal size they are refunding/exchanging it for me :)