12-05-04, 08:13 PM
I was wandering whether anyone here has any experience with tegu's and if you could give me some info on their temperment and if one type generally accepts handling better than the others. The reason I ask is that my husband desperately wants one, but I know if we get one the care and handling will be left to me just like the savanah who is now 3 1/2 feet long and he refuses to handle it because he's afraid of getting bit ( he's more gentle than most people's dogs). I would just like to know what I'd be getting into. I've heard black & white's generally "tame" (for lack of better word) well with age, that golds are usually extremely aggressive and nasty, but I haven't heard to much about the red & whites which is what my husband wants.
So just wandering whether anyone has any insight on this subject?
So just wandering whether anyone has any insight on this subject?