View Full Version : Update on Project(Nosy be breeding)

12-05-04, 08:12 PM

If anyone did not read what happened at the beginning heres the link you can read up on:D

After she laid her clutch of eggs. Another batch came in 2 months...Those right now are in the closet.

Its been around 5 months now. They might hatch in Janurary, Feburary,and March. It can even be later on the year. But I think there gonna hatch in the 3 months time.

At the last reptile show I purchased wingless fruit flies to start a colony so I dont start at the last minute. It was kinda tricky to get the right mixture, but I fianlly got it and glad that I got the practise.

I have also been working on pin-head crickets, it was sucessful and it sorta wasn't. I was able to get them to grow up to 1cm and they are still growing. But the down side is that its hard to get the baby crickets to keep hatching and comming.(Maybe my problem is that I need another container). Also can someone tell me more about this grain beetles, and how I can get a hold of them, usually you can find them in bags of grain but I dont have any lol.

Now that the food have been prepared I was thinking how i could steup for the baby's. I thought of a shelf with 5 gallon tanks. But when the last issue of E-zine came out...it was perfect for me!
But the only problem was that one of those containers here cost $15.00 bucks including tax:( Is there any containers that are transparent and a lot cheaper, so I can buy a bunch? This whole steup has gotten me to go crazy(cant sleep)

Ill get a quick picture of the eggs to see if they have changed. Any suggestions would be great


12-06-04, 10:36 AM
call a big alls aquarium service and see if they will give you a deal if you buy a punch... i know there 5.5 gal is only like 7 bucks... i got a 10 gal for 8 on sale..... the prob is lids... none come with them but if you dan figure it out you can make them....

Manitoban Herps
12-09-04, 07:51 AM
At Wal-Mart you can buy these tall...they have a blue lid and around 3-4$ each, very good for baby chams..check them out.....I will give you the meausrements later.

12-09-04, 08:52 AM
I bet you could find something suitable at the local dollar store. I saw some similar containers at Dollarama back in the summer, but they might not have their stock all year 'round.