View Full Version : Black rat pics- post yours

12-05-04, 09:47 AM
Here is a pic of my male albino balck rat

12-05-04, 09:53 AM
here is the mate for the above albino male she is a 100% albino normal black rat

12-05-04, 11:04 AM
i love my rats. the albino male above is verry freindly and the female has her moments. These guys in my opinion are cooler then corns.

12-05-04, 11:15 AM
I posted these not too long ago, but here they are again!

Male whitesided blk rat
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v147/Kattia/Rats/wsbod.jpg">

Female normal (although she may be brindle. I'm waiting to see how she grows up)
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v147/Kattia/Rats/wshet.jpg">
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v147/Kattia/Rats/wshet2.jpg">

A normal male that now belongs to alexandsnakes.
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v147/Kattia/Rats/peekaboo.jpg">

12-05-04, 11:33 AM
thanks katt nice pics. let me know when you got brindles for sale

12-05-04, 06:27 PM
I've always been interested in black rat snakes. What are their temperments like? Are they like corns, or a little more feisty?

Great pics, btw. I love the face pic of that normal male on the bottom. Cute!

12-06-04, 09:43 AM
Hey Lisa,
I've found that black rats are not that different from corns in temperment. It all depends on how much you handle them. As
for my black rats my albino male is verry melow and my normal female can have a chip on her shoulder from time to time but in general she is handable. When we do shows at local schools are albino male is amoung the fav of the kids becuase of his docile nature. any thanks for the post

12-09-04, 11:47 AM
Temperment wise, I find my three are very different. My male, whose face Katt posted above, was extremely timid and meek when I got him, but is now a pissy, pushy hissy snake if I do something he doesn't like - i.e. I open his cage without a chick (his favourite food) in my hand. He's definately handlable as long as I'm doing what he more or less wants to do (since he's 5'7" as of last measuring, he's nearly half a foot longer than I am tall and he can push me around quite a bit)

My two females are something between cousins and full sisters to each other, and again are very different. Fang is quite timid, she won't eat unless I leave her mouse in her cage overnight, and is generally hiding. I try not to handle her much due to stressing her out, and she's an unpredictable biter (seems calm and then wham! which may be due to me not handling her much) Soot, her sister, is totally the opposite. Soot strikes at anything that moves, but it's only because she acts like I'm starving her to death all the time (she strikes at streams of water as well, in case they're mice). Once she's out (and you don't smell like mice) she's great - calm, mellow and definately curious about what's going on. She is so curious - never hiding, always at the farthest corner of her cage to watch everything that's going on in the room.

I guess I technically have a 4th black rat - a greenish rat (black/yellow rat intergrade) He is evil. He goes for my face. He is my only snake I actually need gloves for, because he is just bad tempered. To be fair, he spent 6 weeks on every other day Baytril injections from a pharyngeal infection he acquired (how, I don't know, we think maybe a claw scratch from his food) and he hasn't really liked me since, but he also hates everyone else. Apparently he was different when Katt owned him, so I'm not sure what I did. I definately don't handle him much, which probably doesn't help.


12-09-04, 06:07 PM
i suspect it would be the injections that did it. i also have the experience of a relatively average tempered snake (a BCI) becoming a face biter after having to undergo a prelonged course of injections. it kinda makes sense, snake thinks, "oh, here comes that bitch with the needle again."

12-24-04, 12:58 AM
I love these snakes. They're the best rat snake. They love to climb. I caught 3 of them at Frontenac Provincial Park near Kingston. I'd like to buy one or keep one, but they're endangered here. I know theyre so common in parts of the US.

12-31-04, 09:22 PM
Frustrating, isn't it? My friend's parents just live outside of that park and she has black ratsnakes living in the walls of her house, in their barn, etc. She doesn't like them, but I want to go visit.
Not that I need more obsoletus, but they make me happy.

01-03-05, 03:28 PM
Here's our female we just got. Not our pic, this was taken by the previous keeper, TrowaIkari:


We also have a normal male, but I need to get updated picsc of him, he's grown quite a bit since October.


01-03-05, 03:36 PM
Use to own these guys!

Wouldnt mind gettin some more if they were under what I plan on breeding. Plus..theyre illegal to sell here in PA.

01-04-05, 09:18 AM
Very nice leucy blk rat!! I don't think we have any of those Canada.

01-04-05, 09:45 AM
Very nice leucistic - nice to have that gene in a species that isn't quite as fiesty as Texas rats!! I am sure these will become much more popular. Thanks for sharing,

mary v.

01-04-05, 10:10 AM
Thanks! We will be producing hets next year. I am rather excited about that. As far as I know, Mike Jolliff is is the only one breeding the leucys in the USA. She came from him via our friend.