View Full Version : temps

12-04-04, 03:12 PM
So I have seen mention of basking temps needing to be well over the 100 mark, even up to 140....is this really necessary? My BT doesn't seem to like it much over 95- as soon as it nears 100 he goes into hiding on the coolest part of the tank. Does it really get to 140 where they occur naturally? And if it does, are they out in these temps? I'm assuming I should go by what my monitor "tells" me he wants, not by what a person or book tells me, but I just wanted some feedback :)


12-04-04, 04:08 PM
Yes, its necessary.


12-04-04, 08:08 PM
The high temps are supposed to be the surface temp on the basking site, not the air temp. A lot of people get confused by this and tend to cook their lizard while trying to maintain a 140 degree hot spot.


12-04-04, 08:56 PM
yes .. my hotspot is about 160 but the ambient temp is around 85 cooling off at the opposite end around 70-75

and finally mantaining a humidity of 65 YES FINALLY !!!

lol sorry just got a little excited