View Full Version : GTP or ETB?

10-28-02, 08:54 AM
Don't worry, I'm going to get some experience with some easier snakes first -- but I do love the look of both of these guys -- and I imagine that I'll want to get one at some point I'll have my BP and BRB for "handleable" snakes, and this guy I'll probably leave alone most of the time -- I've heard that handling them can be quite -- interesting To say the least... hehe...

Anyways, what I'm really wondering is if there's any major differences between these guys... do you prefer one over the other, and if so, why? Is one more likely to be temperamental than the other? I'm pretty sure that general care for the 2 is about the same... humidity-wise etc...

Thanks for any opinions/input

10-28-02, 12:48 PM
They generally have the same feeding and housing requirements. GTP's tend to have a much better chance of being handleable. There are many GTP's out there that are perfectly sweet, you'd be hardpressed to find many emeralds like that though....lol :p LOL... Jeff's Pebbles is one in a million :p The major differences are the fact that one is a boa (live-bearer) and the other is a python (egg-bearer). Asthetically, I prefer GTP's - I love their dragon-like appearance :D But that's just my personal preference.....

10-30-02, 08:28 AM
ETBs, ETBs!!!

Richard Welter
11-12-02, 03:58 PM
When people ask which is better of the two. The answer is that both snakes are very much the same. It all depends on what you want to spend for cash and if you plan on breeding in the future. I work with emeralds, so it would seen that my voice is pointed to one side. I would talk to some breeders and find out which snake is better suited for you to have. Not picking the snake that is more popular. On the issue on having a calm snake. I would have to say that both emeralds and green trees can be mean, but with great husbandry and handling you can calm almost any animal down. I have 9 emeralds and all of them are calm. My buddy who also works with emeralds has a nice collection of also all tame animals. So it will really depend on the temperment of the animal. Just remember, I can't stress this enough but you get what you pay for. There are no short cuts when it comes to Emeralds and Green Trees. Hope this helps, Richard Welter

11-12-02, 08:10 PM
Hey, don't forget to ask Don Patterson a bunch of questions on Thursday night. He'll be able to answer a lot of your queries.

11-14-02, 03:00 PM
Thanks Jeff ;) I'll make sure to be there -- dialup and all... hehe ;)

Them and Us
12-13-02, 12:00 AM
aren't ETB much more cost wise also ?

12-14-02, 06:53 PM
the correct answer would be get "both". heheheheh

12-14-02, 08:19 PM
ETBs are generally similar in price to GTPs, or even a little less expensive
you may be thinking of Amazon Basin ETBs....which go for <b>ALOT</b> more than both