12-03-04, 07:22 PM
I just wanted to add a few things that I have observed but before that a little background
I purchased a Savanna Monitor from my local reptile shop .. long and short of it he was sick and never got better .. two months after purchase I found him dead .. very upsetting for me as he was my first monitor .. however just before his unexpected death I purchased another Sav .. from another pet store just outside of town .. I my perspective of sav's has changed immensely .. but not my love of them
They are fantastic creatures .. my newest one who my 9 year old named Boomer .. is all over the place .. inspecting every thing .. his feeding reaction is unbelievable .. the plywood tope opens and he is out and ready to eat .. 25 crickets daily and a pinkie rat ... he is 13 or 14 inches long .. handling is a challenge ... he hates it .. struggling the whole time , but I know with frequency and patience he will come around .... he poops all over me and bites like there is no tomorrow , the first few times anyhow .. he has not pooped on me today and did not bite .. but struggle .. he is full of energy and now I know the differance between sick and healthy monitors .. my first one was never healthy and I know that now but had nothing to compare it to in the first place ..
Boomer basks all the time and digs like he is a backho lol... I would not give up this experience for the world .. I have been told Savs are good first time monitors and have been told they are not ... but one thing I have seen is that they are resourceful and innovative . I have watched Boomer dig a cricket out of a small crevice .. he has drowned one that was larger than the others before he ate it .... I was worried that he would not eat frozen because where he was they always fed live but he eats they just fine ... I am sure that he would eat five or six if I let him lol ...
anyhow .. I am rambling now .. no matter what people say about Sav's being good first time pets or not I have would nto give up this chance for the world ...
now fir questions .. Scott I see you are here now (Kap) .. Boomer soaks alot and is shedding am I right to assume that they soak more when they shed ?
also .. when he pooped all over me I got a look underside and is he too young to sex ? I ask becasue what I saw looked like a flower ... nothing long and dangling .. just a flower would this be an indication of female or is it too early to tell ...
thanks for reading my ramble :)
I purchased a Savanna Monitor from my local reptile shop .. long and short of it he was sick and never got better .. two months after purchase I found him dead .. very upsetting for me as he was my first monitor .. however just before his unexpected death I purchased another Sav .. from another pet store just outside of town .. I my perspective of sav's has changed immensely .. but not my love of them
They are fantastic creatures .. my newest one who my 9 year old named Boomer .. is all over the place .. inspecting every thing .. his feeding reaction is unbelievable .. the plywood tope opens and he is out and ready to eat .. 25 crickets daily and a pinkie rat ... he is 13 or 14 inches long .. handling is a challenge ... he hates it .. struggling the whole time , but I know with frequency and patience he will come around .... he poops all over me and bites like there is no tomorrow , the first few times anyhow .. he has not pooped on me today and did not bite .. but struggle .. he is full of energy and now I know the differance between sick and healthy monitors .. my first one was never healthy and I know that now but had nothing to compare it to in the first place ..
Boomer basks all the time and digs like he is a backho lol... I would not give up this experience for the world .. I have been told Savs are good first time monitors and have been told they are not ... but one thing I have seen is that they are resourceful and innovative . I have watched Boomer dig a cricket out of a small crevice .. he has drowned one that was larger than the others before he ate it .... I was worried that he would not eat frozen because where he was they always fed live but he eats they just fine ... I am sure that he would eat five or six if I let him lol ...
anyhow .. I am rambling now .. no matter what people say about Sav's being good first time pets or not I have would nto give up this chance for the world ...
now fir questions .. Scott I see you are here now (Kap) .. Boomer soaks alot and is shedding am I right to assume that they soak more when they shed ?
also .. when he pooped all over me I got a look underside and is he too young to sex ? I ask becasue what I saw looked like a flower ... nothing long and dangling .. just a flower would this be an indication of female or is it too early to tell ...
thanks for reading my ramble :)