View Full Version : Some feeding mantispids pics..

12-03-04, 02:55 PM
Hey guys...just some pictures of a mantispid eating...we got bored at the work place and decided to feed him a common syrphid... enjoy!!:)


its a mantis...is a fly...no!! its a mantispid!!!!! lol...They belong in the neuroptera family. :)

12-03-04, 04:55 PM
That's so neat! You'd think he was eating chicken wings :P

Those are really cool pictures, thanks for sharing :D

12-03-04, 05:28 PM
that is the coolest thing i have ever seen!! How big is it??? And what kind of camera are you using??? Very cool and awesome pics!

12-03-04, 08:03 PM
AWESOME MAN! Thanks for sharing!


12-03-04, 08:12 PM
Never seen any mantis like that before. Thats awsome

12-04-04, 03:38 AM
its common name is a mantis fly...but it does not belong to either in terms of family....so its not a fly nor a mantis. It belongs in the family Neuroptera..which are things like your green lace wings and brown lace wings that you see....weird..lol

i used a nikon 4500 cool pics i think and its only about an inch long...i love the fellow...however a work mate has since added him to the preserved insect collection....we were quite pissed...when we found out that he had been pinned....:(. its was really fun watching him eat..:)

reptile boi
12-04-04, 05:41 PM
Can that thing sting? And does it fly like a wasp?
Thats really nifty lol


12-04-04, 05:59 PM
eww eww eww! lol

12-06-04, 01:06 PM
Nope can't sting...and yes it can fly...like a....fly?? well not exactly...but it can fly well enough.

12-06-04, 01:18 PM
what a jerk. pinning it without even asking anyonoe if they wanted it as a pet. some people.

12-06-04, 07:41 PM
do you know anyone who breeds them and about how much they go for, I was thinking of getting either a mantis fly or orcid mantis but these guys are soo much cooler, and don't worry its not for a bug collection, I have one of those to but I only put guys in it after they die, that is if I find them soon enough and have time to prepare them.

12-06-04, 07:41 PM
do you know anyone who breeds them and about how much they go for, I was thinking of getting either a mantis fly or orcid mantis but these guys are soo much cooler, and don't worry its not for a bug collection, I have one of those to but I only put guys in it after they die, that is if I find them soon enough and have time to prepare them.

12-06-04, 08:05 PM
Could have sworn i seen a wing drop from it's mouth as i scrolled down the pics...lol NICE PICS ranmas,

12-12-04, 10:44 PM
How much they go for??? ehh...no...i don't . You can actually just catch them yourself...they are in Ontario...i think there are 2 species here....but don't quote me on that...the other one is green i think. they are pretty small...like 2-3 inches?? so you gotta keep and eye out..:)

By the way...orchid mantis are coooooool....i've seen them (Not in ontario of course) on orchids b4......maybe i can get some pics up..lol..

Thanks guys for the comments..:)

12-14-04, 11:22 AM
where do they live in ontario? i have never seen one and i have been stopping and looking at bugs since i was a kid.