View Full Version : Whose selling monitors in toronto area?

10-27-02, 11:05 PM
I cant find any??????????? bigger species.. even savannahs?

10-28-02, 01:52 AM
EVERYONES selling savs (amongst other species) down my way, couldn't help you with Toronto though... have you tried PCPC?

10-28-02, 09:20 AM
Tons are for sale everywhere .. What are you specifically looking for? .. I had a sav and water for sale last month .. but there sold .. Sorry man.

10-28-02, 01:15 PM
If you want Captive bred Sav's, talk to Ravi at www.themonitorspot.com

He is one of the very few people that have successfully reproduced Sav's in Captivity, and recently has co-written a book about Sav's with Daniel Bennet. Ravi and I will be putting something specieal together for the next PCPC show, so come on by and have a chat :)

Not many of the larger speceis are being Captive bred in Canada, and pretty well none of them on a regular basis. Unfortunately, I think you'll find that your choices will be wild caught or wild caught :(

10-28-02, 01:20 PM
Jon! I cant even find W/C... lol Henry Piourn has some for sale, but i mean by the time you pay shipping your paying 200$ for a savannah monitor and thats pretty steep IMHO... I think you should start producing some more larger monitors Jon! :) you got the knowledge, now use the force luke! use the force!!!! hehehe

10-28-02, 01:34 PM
hahahaha.........I don't know if I'd go so far as to say I have the knowledge. Have you noticed the ammount of hair on my head? ;)

There are several species I'd love to work with outside of Dwarfs, but I simply don't have the space to. Perhaps in a few years.......

Monitors can be frustrating and hard to figure out at times. They are much more complex than we have ever thought them to be in the past, and who knows what the future holds. It's easiest for us young guys becuase we can always relearn what we though we knew about Monitors. I have a really difficult time discussing monitors with "old schoolers". It's funny how so many of my practices can be wrong, yet anyone using the "right" ways to keep them haven't been able to breed them.......hmmm

I am very shocked you can't find Sav's.....they are brought into the country by the hundred thousand annually.......it's sad.

I think I drifted a little, but I don't feel like editing the post right now, hahaha........

Best wishes Jeff.

10-28-02, 02:51 PM
LOL!!! i think thats the biggest mistake people make in there husbandry and breeding attempts of any animal period.. What works for others will not mean that it is going to work or is best for your individual animals... Also what a "big breeder" is telling you is what he is actually doing doesnt mean that IS what he is doing.. i mean why would he give the secrets to his success out over the internet so in 1 year from now, there will be 3000 new breeders using his methods and taking away from his buisness... The best thing to remember is, things arent always what they seem and use your own judgement in everything life throws your way :)

10-28-02, 04:39 PM
I think more of what you said applies to the big time snake breeders, and unfortunately holds true with many others. I for one, would like to see a friendly herp community in the future not only for people's sake, but for the animals we work with.

I have no problem sharing my experiances with others as I would like to see more people breed them in the future. I stongly feel that the survival of several Varanid species may lay in Captive breeding. Did you ever wonder why more people are breeding monitors these days than ever before? Or why dwarf monitors seem to be the most commly bred? It's actually quite simple. It's not that they are easier to work with.....it's more that with their small adult size it is easier to provide for them a captive enviroment that allows them to thrive and complete their life cycle.

Another thing with breeding/keeping monitors that makes them a little more tricky is that their needs change. Just because you may have a pair/group set up and breeding today, it doesn't mean that they will continue to do so without change. Their needs change, and preferences change......it's all part of the fun.

As for "secrets to success", that's what I'm trying to share with anyone that I may offer my opinion to here on the forums. It's all in the angle of approtch. There are no set guidelines for successful monitor husbandry/breeding, not even for one species or another. Monitors are all individuals (within and between species), but they do share the same requirements.....there are several different ways to offer the "necessities" to a Varanid as well - not right or wrong ways, but bad/good/better methods. Again, all of this isn't necissarily species specific, but can be specific to the individual.

I could move my cages and animals to your house and leave everything exactly the same, but that doesn't mean they'll be as productive there as they are here. Everything is differen from one animal to the next and one situation to the next.

Hopefully all that made sense......it's does in my brain, but I may be crazy ;)

10-28-02, 05:23 PM
LOL very well said Jon! Well i hope to be a proud owner of some varanid soon so ill be heckling you alot more then usual! LOL :) so prepare for thy coming! MUWHAHAHA :D

10-28-02, 05:26 PM
oh geez.......

10-28-02, 05:28 PM
haha!! hey Jon! do you have a picture of one of these stacks you can place under the lamp so the monitor can find a gradient?? i know there used for smaller species, but could these be used for babies?? :D

10-28-02, 07:00 PM
Sure something like that could be used for a baby, but there are several other ways to achieve the same goal.

As for a pic, my hard drive pooched the other day and I lost all of my pics with the exception of those on my web page. Have a look in the Gallery and you should find something there :)

boa maniac
11-10-02, 01:56 PM
I will bring two adult pairs of C.B. Timor monitors, If you want savana's I will get them for you for less then a 100 bucks, I will also be bringing some C.B. black an white Tegus and Red Tegus.

anyways i will be in Toronto on Frday night, okay,


11-10-02, 04:44 PM
hi jeff I cant believe I am relaying this, but you should know all your options. I noticed a Water, Sav and Tigor for sell at that pet cemetry at the Yorkdale mall [ I cant even write the name!!!!]

I am not very knowledgable about monitors, but i must say the tigor was beautiful. they are probaly WC but who knows.

have a look if you cant find a better source.

OK i gonig to have a shower i feel dirty all of a sudden..LOL.

11-10-02, 06:55 PM
lol thanks guys, but a good friend got me a pair of savannahs so im good to go! :)