View Full Version : Black Dragons

Scales Zoo
12-03-04, 12:09 AM
I've read the other forums, seen the classified etc...

What does everyone think about these things. The pictures I've seen don't look like any kind of salvator, to me.

Almost like a black varius, or a komodo Rudi, cross or something.

They really excite me, and I can't wait till the DNA places all varanids in their rightfull spots. I'm not about to pay the asking price to see one up close - but they are super intriging to me.

Varanids are so cool for this exact reason. These Black Dragons may be a new beast, and there might be 20 new beasts not classifed yet that no one has got into a jar yet. Scary to think of how many un described varanids may already be extinct.

I'm also willing to pay good money for a Megalania, haha. Partially joking, of course.


12-03-04, 01:38 PM
they kinda look like big black trees, to me.
i still think theyre cool , and id love to own one some day

12-03-04, 01:45 PM


12-03-04, 02:06 PM
Look like black Salvators to me. I haven't seen them in person but going by the locality data I was told, along with others who have seen them in person they are V. Komaini.

12-03-04, 05:35 PM
Like the animals at the Columbus zoo - they hatch out normal pattern and in Columbus Zoo scenario, which animals came from Phuket Island I believe, as they got older, 1 animals became melanistic. I have photos of the animals as hatched, and as adults; so does John Adragna over at cybersalvator.com....they are just common melanistic V. salvator.

What differentiates V. salvator salvator to V.s. komaini is vague, as it is with V.s. andamensis and perhaps even V.s. togianus.


12-03-04, 06:22 PM
Originally posted by Scales Zoo
They really excite me,

Lolol sorry just still doesn't sound right in my head lmao ;)

12-03-04, 09:30 PM
They look just like black salvator to me, as well.

12-03-04, 11:34 PM
"Phuket Island "
lmao, srry bout that cracked me up! It's pronounced *** it island right! haha

12-04-04, 03:03 AM
you got it - Fuket - with a long 'u'

Scales Zoo
12-04-04, 09:11 PM
Maybe it's just the pictures, but to me, they don't look just like salvators. I've only seen the 2 pictures in that add (varanid classifieds on *******) however, are there any other pictures of them floating around?


12-04-04, 09:37 PM
where are these pics you all talking about? I am curious to see what these look like now.

12-04-04, 09:49 PM
they were in the KS classified, under Glades Herps, I think

12-09-04, 05:29 PM
I seen it, to me it does look like a black salvator, as well.