View Full Version : Adult pics

12-02-04, 11:21 AM
Hi everyone. I know male BCIs generally get 5-8 ft, and females 7-9 ft, and I've seen pictures of them as adults and everything, but it's hard to really get an idea of how big they are unless there's some point of reference. I'm trying to figure out if I want a male or a female, and would like to see some pictures of adults of each sex being held by someone or with some other reference object. Or a link to a site with some pics like this. 8 ft can sound different than it looks when someone's holding it.

Thanks much

12-02-04, 01:02 PM
6'+ male:


7'+ female (old pic, she is MUCH thicker now and weighs 30 pounds. She was about 20 pounds in this pic )


12-02-04, 01:16 PM
Not my boa, but I had it at my house to go get it sexed for a friend of mine. Its a male that measured in and around 6 feet +


12-02-04, 01:20 PM

Here is 1 of my Colombians at 6 plus feet.
The wood piece is 7" thick and 11" long for reference.




12-02-04, 01:49 PM
OP- awesome snakes! And Ill bet you get told all the time that you look like Jodie Foster?? Yes?

12-02-04, 02:01 PM
me? LOL, no....

12-02-04, 02:59 PM
yup, this definately sways my dicission toward a male over a female. I want a larger snake but one I can still handle alone because my husband is terrified. And being 4'9" I think a female might be a bit to handle. lol.

Still deciding on what I want though, do I want to wait and save up for the next couple years and get a morph, or get a nice looking normal. Hmmmm, decisions are the worst! lol

12-02-04, 03:04 PM
Whatever you decide, good luck with it!

I am 5'3" and don't have *too* much trouble handling Serendipity, although I am NEVER alone when doing so. In your case, if your husband is not comfortable, definitely go with a male. Although I have seen 8' males that were nearly as heavy bodied as the females!

You might want to think about getting a Central American or an Insular locale of bci since they don't get near as large as the Colombians do.

12-02-04, 03:17 PM
Yeah, after seeing these pics I definitely want to go with a male; Zombie is plenty big. Thanks to everyone who posted!

12-02-04, 06:13 PM
If you really don't want to take the chance of getting a boa that might get 7+ft i would recommend a Hog Island Boa. They stay smaller. Usually 5-6ft i believe. And they are gorgeous snakes.

12-02-04, 06:28 PM
She was 6' in this pic,

12-03-04, 10:04 AM
These pics are all old, but are all that's in my gallery... I'll have to get some more recent pics.

Old pic of my one of my females. She was 7 years old in the pic and pushing towards 7.5'.

<img src="http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/513/22me-guyana1-med.jpg">

'Nother old pic of my male. He's finished up around 6'. He's about 5' - 5.5' there.

<img src="http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/513/22growthspurt2.jpg">

Originally posted by BOA68
If you really don't want to take the chance of getting a boa that might get 7+ft i would recommend a Hog Island Boa. They stay smaller. Usually 5-6ft i believe. And they are gorgeous snakes.

Here's my female Hog, Peanut. Another old pic, she's since then grown to around 7' or so. I'm around 5'8" for reference.

<img src="http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/508/22peanutmeDP03.jpg">

While I have no guarantee she is pure (as with most Hogs), her size is certainly no indicator. Some of the original founding WC Hogs, even males, were 7'. They weren't all the small boas people always talk about :p

Originally posted by guitrage
8 ft can sound different than it looks when someone's holding it.

Not only might it sound different than it looks, but it also feels a lot different than it looks. These are some *strong* animals.

12-03-04, 10:59 AM
Well, males can get pretty big too! Here's Zeus, the biggest (BY FAR) male boa constrictor I've ever personally known, and luckily he's in my coillection. :) He is over 8 feet, but I'm yet to get an accurate measurement from him. For reference, I'm 5'9":


And here's Hades, measuring 7'2". This is one of the more accurate measurements I've been able to get because I got him fully stretched out, and if you measure diagonally from step to step on my staircase, it's pretty much exactly one foot. You can see on this pic, he spans 7 stairs:


So as you see, males can get pretty big too. :) It's the weight on females that makes them hard to handle. My 6.5 foot, 25 lb female can make my veins pop out on my hand with just her tail.

12-03-04, 11:08 AM
Hey Linds, Nice Subie Poster!

This is my 6 foot bci that I picked up yesterday. I posted about him already.

I am 5'8-5'9



12-04-04, 11:12 PM
Thanks for all the pics.