View Full Version : Who's your hero?
Who has ~really~ inspired/ influenced you?
12-01-04, 10:04 PM
My Mother. Being a single mother of three suffering from undiagnosed Bipolar for over 25 years.
Everything she has acomplished in that time amazes me, and I hope that I will be able to be as great a parent and friend as she is to us :)
My Daddy. Who, incidentally is turning 60 tomorrow. And Super Grover.
12-01-04, 10:08 PM
My family and my grade 7 teacher who inspired me to become a teacher.
Samantha from Bewitched.....
12-01-04, 10:19 PM
my grandfather.. who has shown me just how a decent human should act..
I'd have to go with Capsicum, my mom. Single mother of 4 kids for 10 years while getting a PH in pyschology. Just finishing her praticum. Go momma go!
Who i beleive has influenced me the most is my mother, mother of 7, successful business woman. A marage of 25 years and taught her kids respect. So i would say her.
Jason Wakelin
12-01-04, 10:58 PM
Gerald Durell.
12-01-04, 10:59 PM
A lot of people, but I'm a huge fan of my Daddy.
My Grandmother - breast cancer survivor, and all around beautiful person. My sculpture teacher is up there, too. He has taught me so much.
12-01-04, 11:35 PM
Greg Graffin
Double J
12-02-04, 12:17 AM
Billy Idol is my idol
Another one for MOM. Mine is Dying from Terminal Lung Cancer and has given me so much strenght watching how she is being so strong. I can only hope I be as caring, loving and strong as she is when she becomes alot sicker.
12-02-04, 01:56 AM
That is is a hard one if I had to say only 1, so I won' t.
The honor goes to my grandparents back home on the farm still running it like they were in their 20s and now they are in their 90s, definitely hope those genes have been passed onto me as well as their characters.
Yup another "mom" trophy goes to her as well, taught me to be helpful, care for people with a big heart, stand strong to my ideals, fight only when its really needed - because anything can be done without fighting, and strong work ethic and lifestyle.
In all my hobbies and interests and so on there are a few as well, but that would be writing a book....:)
Last by not least my fiancee comes in close as well, in the end she completes me and makes me a better person.
12-02-04, 02:38 AM
My Dad, My Mom, My Parents together as one parental unit, Joss Whedon, and Agent Scully ;)
my hero is also my mom! She passed away after a heart attack 4 years ago(dammed cigarettes and french fries N gravy!). She taught us 4 kids that there are no limits to what we can accomplish.Now I have a brother who's a professional wrestler(WWE), a sister who's a dermatologist, a brother who's a mechanic and myself, inspite of being heckled by some, I've been successfully keeping and breeding reptiles since I was a child.
I've been inspired by many, many artists and many children. Kids are amazing. I love working with them and am currently working on getting a degree to become an art teacher for deaf children.
12-02-04, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by Rhonda
Now I have a brother who's a professional wrestler(WWE),
Sorry to go off topic but may I ask who? I used to love wrestling up untill a few years ago, now I've just go too much other stuff to do really.
Staying on topic I'd say its my grandmother. She has got to be the most kind hearted person I know. She's always there for everyone in our family. She was once rich and the money meant nothing to her unless she could give to other people. Bought my mom a house, her son and his fiance a house even though they lost theirs because they bought toys instead of bills. Ended up spending most of her life savings on helping other people. And she's always been there for me and she's always told her I'm the only thing that keeps her going. Especially since she's got COPD for 4 years now. To know that I keep someone that great going it makes me feel like I've got a real purpose in life.
...gosh, I wish I could honestly include my family as my heros. Everyone who has--please know that you are ~very~ fortunate to have the family that you do. While I have no doubt that my family loves and cares for me--- in some sort of weird way-- there's so much dysfunction.
Out of everyone though, I'd have to say my dad has grown to be a very loving and caring father.
Originally posted by beanersmysav
Sorry to go off topic but may I ask who?.
If I had to guess judging by location, I'd have to say 'Val Venis' (Sean Morley)..
12-02-04, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by Matt_K
If I had to guess judging by location, I'd have to say 'Val Venis' (Sean Morley)..
That would be the shyt'. No one had better videos than that guy when he first started. Helllllo Ladies. Him and the Godfather were somethin' else. I still to this day say Saving Ryans Privates everytime I see Saving Private Ryan as he said that when that movie was a big hit about Ken Shamrocks sister Ryan... Ahh the good ole days before wrestling totally went to crap.
12-02-04, 09:12 PM
lots of ppl for different reasons....
Any one human being who has or would stand up and fight for ther countries, rights ,beliefs or freedoms. espically canadians in ww2 who at the time belonged to a small country and made a large impact in the outcome....... anyone who would sacrifice there lives for others directly or indirectly... from war (being right or rong) to the brave men and women who gave there lives to save others on sept 11....
my mother for showing me strength... at 42 she had a massive heart attac and i nearly lost her.... that wasnt even a year ago...
my dad for showing me hard work and dedication can make the impossible happen...
and a few of my high school teachers for proving to me that i wasnt stupid like the rest of the teachers said... just not challenged enough... ( that year i graduated 1.5 years early with 3 extra creds, 2 math awards a science award and with top honers) i didnt do well in english though, i cant spell
Matt K wins! Yes, my brother is Sean Morley(aka Val Venis). When we were kids he use to put us in all these painful wrestling (submission holds) but even worse,... I'm 30 and he still does that!LOL FYI My sister really was married to Adam Copeland (aka Edge).
Marshall Mathers aka (Eminem) Inspires me!!!
Ponch rules!! I'm adding him to my short-list.
Originally posted by Rhonda
Matt K wins! Yes, my brother is Sean Morley(aka Val Venis). When we were kids he use to put us in all these painful wrestling (submission holds) but even worse,... I'm 30 and he still does that!LOL FYI My sister really was married to Adam Copeland (aka Edge).
That's Awesome Rhonda!! I've had the pleasure of meeting Sean on a few different occasions.. I'm related to his neighbours in.. I wont say, just out of respect for him.. He's a great guy!!!
I've also had the pleasure of meeting Adam on several occasions, his parents live just down the street from me and whenever he comes to visit, he's always out and about and it's hard not to bump into him in such a small town.. I'm sure you know the town im speaking of.. :D
12-03-04, 12:20 AM
I like the Great Antonio...
12-03-04, 12:22 AM
Heather Rose: Joss Whedon is one of your hero's? I thoroughly enjoy Buffy as well.
Originally posted by mykee
Ponch rules!! I'm adding him to my short-list.
He!! YeaH!!!!
- Matt
12-03-04, 12:31 AM
Heather Rose: Joss Whedon is one of your hero's? I thoroughly enjoy Buffy as well.
Yeah, man...I'm a huge fan of him as a writer, he's amazing. His writing, his perspectives, and vision...I think he's awesome.
I'm still looking for something to fill the Buffy void...nothing really can hold a candle to it though :D
Have you watched Firefly yet? The whole season's out on DVD, it's on my 'to watch' list, which seems to get longer everyday :p
12-03-04, 12:57 AM
No, I have not watched Firefly yet. I've never even heard of it.
You're right, nothing come close to Buffy... I've just finished watching season 1-6... only took about 2 1/2 months. Now I'm waiting for my friends girlfriend to finish watching the 7th season so I can borrow it.
I can't find anything to watch now.
12-03-04, 01:15 AM
Firefly was Whedon's last project, which unfortunately only lasted one season. My dad bought it and he said the writing is just as good as Buffy's is...I have yet to watch it though.
I only have the last episode from Season 7 left to watch, I'm saving it :p If there's nothing to watch you could always give Angel a try ;)
12-03-04, 01:22 AM
I've already started watching random episodes of Angel on tv and my friends GF also has the 1st season on DVD.. so maybe I'll start...
By the way... you ever heard of "Ripper"? Apparently its based around "Giles". Did it ever come to be?
I didn't realize other people were up this late (early 4 me) during the week...
12-03-04, 01:33 AM
It's worth watching, especially if you're a fan of Buffy. The mythology and writing is all the same anyway. I heard of "Ripper". I'm not sure if it came to be but there's some info about it on Whedon's website.
I don't usually go to bed until 4 am for some reason ;)
I would have to go with Ron Jeremy
Ron Jeremy!!...LOL... Did ya see him on the Surreal Life?..He actually seems like a decent guy.
12-03-04, 10:23 AM
Who said porn stars arent good people? :D
My heros are my Grandfather, Patrick Roy, Terry Bradshaw, and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Besides ELVIS...any serial fav..Ed Gains...and when I get to "thinkin"about it...Chuckie Manson
12-03-04, 01:58 PM
Can't think of any one person that who has inspired me. There are heros in every day life whether you know their names or not.
A teacher giving extra time to help a child master the times tables is more worthy of admiration than all your media stars put together.
12-03-04, 09:31 PM
Well put RepTylE . . . but I still have to say any great musical performer . . . and I'm not talkin about the crap you here these days. Sometimes all you need is a one great tune courtesy of Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, Bob Marley, and a large number of other greats. Their words of inspiration and hope will touch more people then they ever thought possible. Always remember...
And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our souls
There walks a lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last
When all are one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll
Originally posted by chas*e
my fav..Ed Gains...
That would be Ed Gein...
12-03-04, 09:37 PM
If your hero is some old socially inept guy who cut up women like deer with no purpose or relevant motivation...
At least spell his name right :D
Originally posted by HeatherRose
At least spell his name right :D [/B]
no doubt.:rolleyes:
12-04-04, 12:12 AM
Led zeppelin is definatly great but I've been freaked out by stairway to heaven ever since I heard it play backwards. Blah I wish i never clicked that darn link lol. still a great song though weither it was a hoax or not it was still freaky
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