View Full Version : should I be worried?

12-01-04, 11:57 AM
My BP ate a rat pup on monday and he spent a little bit of time in his got side hide then about 4 hours later he went to his cool side hide and has been there ever since (unless he has moved in the night and I didn't know it) The temp inside his hot side hide is usually kept between 90-95, I try to keep it about 93 for a happy medium. The cool side temp is about 80 and around 82 inside his cool side hide. I used my temp gun and his body temp is 83. Now to finish all this with my question. Is a body temp of 83 enough for him to digest his food? I don't want it to rot in his stomach.:confused:

12-01-04, 12:21 PM
Keep in mind that your are taking his external surface tempature not his internal tempature.

If you are providing the proper requirments of a hot and cool side then your snake will do what he needs to do to digest his food.

12-01-04, 12:23 PM
No worries. Your temps are fine. We actually keep our hatchling balls with a hotspot of 85-88F and a cool side of 80F and we have been feeding them every four days for the last two months with no problems. We began keeping them at this temp in very small cages that are 45 sq inches after reading that VPI does the same. When they get a bit larger we will up the temps to an 88-90F hotspot and a 82F cool side.

12-01-04, 12:38 PM
ok good!! Thanks for the help! Do you think his hot spot might be too hot for him? I've noticed that he spends most of his time in his cool side hide.

12-01-04, 03:46 PM
Your good. Like someone pointed out if the cage is right don't worry about it, the snake knows best. We forget that some times.