View Full Version : Box Turtles

11-30-04, 01:54 PM

I had a few box turtles as a kid. We had a pair who lived "free" in our backyard in California and even laid eggs once. We also had a couple who lived indoors.

That was all years and years ago and I am sure in some way they all suffered in our uneducated care.

I have wanted another box turtle for YEARS now! My main issue is that now I live in Canada. Most of the caresheets I read strongly urge the boxies live outdoors.

What are your experiences with keeping sun loving turtles and the like in Canada?


CB Shwa
11-30-04, 03:42 PM
I keep mine out doors in the summer and bring them in for the winter. I know some people let theirs hibernate over the winter but I dont want to risk it.

11-30-04, 03:51 PM
when i lived in chicago (where it gets pretty cold), all of my adult boxies lived outside year round. i never lost one during hibernation. younger individuals i kept indoors year round until they were full sized. as long as your soil is good for them to dig, and you have plenty of dead leaves to cover the ground, your boxies will hibernate fine no matter how cold it gets. its natural, they're made to do it.

11-30-04, 04:55 PM
But they aren't all made to live in Canada's climate. Short summer here, extremely cold winter...etc...That's pretty much where my question comes from.


11-30-04, 07:19 PM
Eastern Box Turtles were once native to Southern Ontario, they've been extirpated of course. They still occur in many climates in the US that experience the exact same seasonal variations as we do.

Holy Mackerel
12-06-04, 07:50 AM

I have kept an eastern box for a few years now. I have kept it indoors the whole time the exception of "walks in the park (aka backyard)". I also don't hibernate my box turtle, even though I know it will have an impact on its longevity.

I think as long as your willing to give it sufficient amount of room indoors, with proper lights and houseing, it should be okay. My tank is landscaped with little hills and the works.

Box turtles take a lot more effort and time than do the rest of my pets, but its a great animal to have around!

12-06-04, 08:48 AM
Holy mackerel, can you posted pics of your tank setup?

Holy Mackerel
12-06-04, 09:10 AM

Unfortunatly I have never made the move away from my film SLR. I'll try to borrow a digital cam to get some pics.