View Full Version : BCI Investments

11-30-04, 09:53 AM
Well, I plan on getting some BCI in the next month or so, and was wondering if I could get some opinions.

First I plan on getting a NICE, selectively picked pair of Normal BCI.

But my main ? is, what are some good morphs to work with, that fall in the 100-500 price range?

Also, I read (I THINK) that if you cross Hypo and something you get Salmon?

Any pics, information, and prices would be much appreciated.



11-30-04, 10:53 AM
But my main ? is, what are some good morphs to work with, that fall in the 100-500 price range?

Salmons are a color of Hypo originally produced by Rich Ihle. They are a good choice at around $200-$300 US. Anerythristics are also a good choice at around the same price. Combining the two would eventually create Ghosts that go for $1200-$2000 US. Getting two Salmons and breeding them would create a few Super Salmons.

11-30-04, 08:38 PM

How many years of breeding would it take to produce Super Salmons? Considering I selected TOP nothc Salmons.

Same with Anerys and Salmons

11-30-04, 08:54 PM
If you had 2 top notch salmons to breed to each other, you would probably produce supers on the first breeding.

11-30-04, 09:45 PM
i would personally go with a salmon and an anery

super salmons are only prooven through breeding
that is why you always see poss super salmons for sale

breed a salmon x anery and all the salmon babies are het ghost all the normal will be het anery

11-30-04, 10:33 PM
BoAddict is correct on both accounts. Although you would get about 25% supers the only way to know for sure if they are supers would be to breed them and get all salmon offspring.

If you purchased a Salmon het ghost and bred it to an anerythristic you could get ghosts in the first litter.

11-30-04, 10:39 PM
personally, i think the best investments right now are line bred pastels, such as ronne's pastel dreams. they are amazing animals that will only get better as they are selectively bred, and can outcross color into any morph. check em out!

11-30-04, 10:55 PM
I also like pastels but it seems that now everyone has their own line and to be completely honest from what I have seen at many shows is that there are other lines that are IMO even better than Boaphile's (ie Davey Figg & EBV Red Groups)! Pastels are only normal boas that have been selectively bred for reduced black which increases contrast and creates vivid colors but are they really a morph? Other keepers have done the same thing with other snake species for years. For example jungle carpets hve been selectively breed for reduced black tipping and high yellow but they are not considered morphs although they are considered specatacular specimens that demand higher prices. Also breeding a pastel boa to a normal will give you all normal offspring with a few being what I consider above average normals. Even if you breed two "pastels" together you would still only get about half of the litter that are exceptional "pastels" and the remaining would be normals. Again this can be done or said about any snake species its just nice that the Boaphile can market it so well! I think Favelle needs to think up some catchy name for some of his better selectively bred jungles carpets and pass them off as a morph LOL!

Sorry about the rant it must have been that blow to the head I took!

11-30-04, 11:26 PM
as far as im concerned pastel is not a morph

everyone that has a nice clean boa claims its a pastel and pastel are only clean boa's

just my $0.02

12-01-04, 05:44 AM
Thanks for all the input guys.

I will MOST likely end up buy the following:

1.1 Normal BCI (Some hand picked, clean babies.)
1.1 Salmon BCI (As I said above, top notch.)
0.1 Anery BCI (Probably the high end ones Jeff Ronne offers.)


12-29-04, 05:20 PM

Good luck with your search, all good choices you listed there, keep us posted :)


12-29-04, 07:38 PM
Originally posted by thunder
personally, i think the best investments right now are line bred pastels, such as ronne's pastel dreams.

I wouldn't really consider 'pastels' to be investment animals, since they are essentially, just nice looking normals. Especially up here, they don't fetch much more than 'normals', if any more at all. Obviously breeding nice, clean, vibrant animals in to morphs will accentuate the morph, but that goes without saying for anything.