View Full Version : Beardie Pics :)

11-29-04, 11:47 PM
I'm all happy to be a Beardie Mommy! They're just superb!

This is my boy Loki, he's my baby:

This is Loki with my boyfriend's female Jennocide:

AWE! They're adorable!!! I was a snake girl, but I dunno, these Beardies are making me get more addictions in the reptile world lol


11-30-04, 12:07 AM
The beardies are nice, but out of curiosity, why is the UV light pointing to the side? The tubes are really the most effective point directly down above the basking site and normally about 12 inches away from the animal.

I keep iguanas and have kept beardies so that's why I asked as I pay careful attention to the amount of true UV my guys get access too.


12-01-04, 12:16 PM
I'm also wondering why your beardie is able to climb on the heat lamp. your taking a very big risk in burning you guys....

12-01-04, 12:42 PM
bidden: actually the cage doesn't get hot. I tested it myself before allowing the beardies inside. I allowed the bulb to make the hot spot 120 and kept my hand on the metal, not hot at all.

marisa: they are approximately 11 inches higher than the animals. And I was unaware that the placement of the UV bulb had a major effect. I just purchased this enclosure from Habitarium and it came preassembled with the Florescent fixture in the middle.

12-01-04, 01:00 PM
it's just the way the pic is taken. The uv still gives out light on the bottom part. Those neon fixtures have a little metal border on the bottom to fit a plastic to protect the uv bulb. The bulb isn't blocked by that metal part.

12-01-04, 01:28 PM
Those flourescent tubes suck anyways, buy a mercury vapor bulb, dont waste resources on the tubes....

Cool lookin beardies.