View Full Version : good starter???

11-28-04, 10:39 AM
hi all! i am looking for a good first camera for taking close-ups and high definition pics. not looking to spend too much, around about £150 (about $250 american i think). i have a digital camera now but it takes very poor close-ups, as soon as your within about a foot of the target object, it goes very blurry.

example: doesnt seem to matter what the lighting conditions are, the picture still seem to blur.

any suggestions appreciated,

11-28-04, 01:25 PM
The Canon Powershot A85 and 95 being discussed in the other thread at the moment are both good choices.

I picked up a Fujifilm A330 myself last year and have been very happy with it. It's a bit cheaper than the A85 but doesn't have all the features either.