View Full Version : Your wanted list

11-28-04, 09:16 AM
Lets see all the snakes you want or are planning to get in 2005. But something you actually plan on getting :)

Id say my list in order from least to most wanted is:

1 Male russian tortoise
2 Female JCP
3 Possibly het ball pythons near the end of 05 :)
4 GTP, but I doubt ill get it this year. Maybe next

11-28-04, 09:35 AM
Western Fox Snakes

Buttermilk Racers (Not sure where)

Garters (connicus, texas, similis, and maybe ribbons)

Pure Corns (captive gutatta have likely bred with slowinskii decades)


More Texas Longnoses

More Psuedelaphe flavirufa

What ever else strikes my fancy

I plan on taking a road trip next summer down south to do some feild herping. I will likely keep some gutatta, slowinski and Rhinocheilus from that trip. Buttermilks are not established in captivity (as far as I know) which would mean WC is neccisary. They have a rather small range so I am not sure that I like that idea as they are no doubt sensitive to over collection. Thamnophis will possibly be WC as well.

11-28-04, 09:39 AM
Hmmmmmm. Well let's see, Adam. I have to transfer a few things from this year to next lol.

I'd like to get my much wanted Candoia as far as snakes go. I am thinking about getting a couple male hypo tang male leos to pair up my girls when they grow out some more.
I will probably be pretty conservative in my acquisitions for the time being.

11-28-04, 09:53 AM
Here it goes.

1.2 BCIs
1.2 Ball Pythons
1.1 Burmese Pythons
1.1 Hogg Island Boas
1.1 Amazon Tree Boas

1.3 Leopard Geckos
1.1 Tokay Geckos
1.1 Giant Leaftail Geckos

1.0 Salvator Monitor
1.0 Nile Monitor

1.2 Emperor Scorpions
1.1 Goliath Birdeaters
1.1 Rose Hairs
1.1 African Fat Tail Scorpions



11-28-04, 10:08 AM
If I told you, I'd have to kill you. :D

11-28-04, 10:16 AM
cresties and ahaetulla prasina

11-28-04, 10:18 AM
0.1 het for Albino (getting)
Wish list,
Russian Tort
Russian Sand Boa
More Rosy Boas
C. Dwarf Caiman
1.1 JCP
1.1 Dums
01. Sorong type GTP
1.0 Red ATB
That's it off the top of my head.

Manitoban Herps
11-28-04, 10:18 AM
1.1.0 Sinaloan Milksnakes
1.0 Colombian Boa Constrictor (might get him sooner than 05 though)

0.1.0 Viper Gecko
0.1.0 Veiled Chamelon
0.1.0 African Fat tail Gecko

11-28-04, 10:20 AM
adult female colombian

adult female JCP (getting one tonight.. yay)

argentine boas (within the next year or so)

diamond pythons (next 2 years hopefully)

11-28-04, 10:23 AM
Wish list:

Female Panther
Rainbow Boas


11-28-04, 10:31 AM
On Saturday I will be getting some;
corns, 2 to 4 depends if they have what I am looking for.
banana morph cali king, 1 or a pair if I see them for a good price.

I'm planning on getting a pair of b. rainbow boas, but not any time soon.

11-28-04, 10:33 AM
1.0 100% het amel. male AFT

0.1 amel AFT

0.1 lesser frog-eyed gecko

0.2 crested geckos

1.1 uroplatus fimbriatus or lineatus

That's a conservative list. It always ends up changing and or increasing in size.


11-28-04, 10:54 AM
dart frogs and leopards geckos!

11-28-04, 11:03 AM
Wishlist eh?.................A pure yellow jcp, Blue aru gtp, A night at the playboy mansion, and a Turbo Graphix 16;) .

11-28-04, 11:41 AM
Well, I have quite a few plans off the top of my head :

1.0 IJCP
1.0 ETB
1.2 ATB (one red , one garden, one yellow)
0.3 White's tree frogs (if I can find some nice ones)
4.6 (this ones secrete, I'm very excited about it though)
1.0 Granite Burmese
1.1 Cuban boa's

Also thinking about another Dwarf caiman, and maybe a few more pts. I'm sure there are others; those are just the ones on my mind right now.


11-28-04, 12:04 PM
1) Congo Jungle Ball Python
2) Cay Caulker BCI
3) Olive Phase African House Snakes
4) GTP
5) Ackies

Asian Jon
11-28-04, 12:16 PM
1) 1.0 Pastel BP
2) Hog Island
3) A haircut

11-28-04, 12:18 PM
A few more cresties, maybe 20 :P

Hehe, but will probably only get one or 2 more. I'd like to get some different kinds of geckos, maybe another bp.

I'm not sure really.

11-28-04, 12:56 PM
One word.


Photo from the Pro Exotics website.


Brent Strande
11-28-04, 01:14 PM
I am starting about thinking about a Pied Ball Python.

That wold be something fun to work towards. Also, a female GTP and perhaps even a few more...

Other than that I thinkt that a nice colored pair of Amazons would be fun, as well as more JCPs...

For now I'm afraid that I'll have to be more than happy with what I've got though!

11-28-04, 01:18 PM
Gosh what don't I want? Actually I am pretty good with self control so my list will take years to cover.

For pythons/boas my list is small

Ringed Pythons
Some sort of boa species...
I wanted more ball python hets but I am already bored with the five balls I have now..lol...
Another GTP

Blonde California Kingsnakes
Lavendar Cal Kings
More gray banded kings
Blairs ratsnake

Crested Geckos
More Golden Geckos

That's about it. I am really far too picky and careful about how many snakes I have, so really the above will take me five years to finally get. :P :P


11-28-04, 01:31 PM
Originally posted by marisa
Gosh what don't I want? Actually I am pretty good with self control so my list will take years to cover.

Sorry, but what kinda control do you have, when you make war with your neighbor by going out and buying huge baloons that glow in the dark with a tree shape and a can't remember the other one, lmao

Am only teasing you Marisa, I prob would have bought the whole troup of deers and the sled and santa...

11-28-04, 01:32 PM

It was VERY diffcult not to purchase the 4 foot team of Santa's. Trust me.


11-28-04, 02:27 PM
mmm well here i go

2005 will be the big year for me, and making my mark on the reptile community....

somwhere in the vecinity of 5.10 Emerald Tree Boas of various ages.

and if i am really lucky and can find them 2.2 Candoia Aspera!
but not holding my breath on the Viper Boas as i couldn't find any this year!


11-28-04, 02:54 PM
Hopefully within 2005 I'll get a house first and then..

- Gargoyle Geckos
- More Cresteds(always room for them!)
- Gray Banded Kingsnake
and maybe if all goes well 2006 Giant Geckos!!

11-28-04, 03:03 PM
Some more cresties and at least a pair of Uroplatus henkeli.

11-28-04, 03:05 PM

Wish list:

Female Panther
Rainbow Boas


What she said, especially Argentinian rainbow boas. :p

Maybe some knobtails when I win the lottery...

11-28-04, 03:10 PM
Me id have to say...
1.1 100%het albino boas
1.0 Suriname BCC
1.1 hypo boa

11-28-04, 03:56 PM
Originally posted by Kimo
and if i am really lucky and can find them 2.2 Candoia Aspera!
but not holding my breath on the Viper Boas as i couldn't find any this year!

Those are for sale on American websites now and then. Perhaps you could piggyback an order with a pet store or a couple other herpers.

Right now Glades Herp, Mark M. Lucas and East Bay Vivarium all have them.

11-28-04, 05:20 PM
on my list for 05 is:
1.0 het sunglow bci
1.0 co-dom ghost bci
0.2 adult bci
3-4 female bp's
for 06 i will be looking for:
1.1 het pied bp's
1.0 pastel bp
and maybe a blood boa

11-28-04, 05:37 PM
Well for 05 I'm planning on if I can manage to sack away the money! I love to shop, bad bad, gotta put the money aside, out of site out of mind!!!
0.2 Poss het orange ghost BP
1.1 Het pied BP

Wish List for the future though.
Albino BP's
Spider BP's
Pastel BP's
GTP's (Just one cause they are gorgeous!)

11-28-04, 05:41 PM
i would say...

0.1 ETB
1.2 BCO
1.2 Woma
1.1 Dum
1.2 Olive Pythons
1.2 Super Dwarf Retics

1.1 Goliath Birdeater
1.1 Great Horned Baboon
1.1 Indian Ornamental

11-28-04, 05:46 PM
Gee I don't ask for much allt hese high dollar boring boids.

All I ask for are rats.

2.2 LTR's
1.1 cave dwelling ratsnakes
1.1 chinese beauties
1.1 albino yellow rats
1.1 hypo 'glades
1.0 lavendar corn
N.N fluffy frozen rats

That's what I hope to acquire, but I have enough right now.

11-28-04, 05:50 PM
I think my list is fairly level headed for this year....

pale milk snakes and some IJ's....maybe a few more cali kings

11-28-04, 06:14 PM
My list is pretty small this coming year also.

Scarlet kings
Red Milks
Coastal Plains Milks
Louisanna Milks


11-28-04, 06:50 PM
Well, this is my wish list for 2005.
1.0 hypo (vanishing bands) honduran.
1.1 kenyon sand boas (not sure what morph I want yet, thinking maybe anery)
0.1 northern blue tongue skink.
1.1 leusictic texas rat snakes.

*and in the future or maybe next year if the timing and prices are right.
1.1 frilled dragons. Might settle for just one though.
1.1 gargoyle geckos.
1.1 het pied balls
1.0 pastel ball.
0.2 light normal balls.
1.0 boa (not sure what I want here eithor, snow or coral albino possibly)
1.1-2 monkey tailed skinks.

and not reptile list but still wanted list 0.1 albino hedgehog.

But even if I don't get anymore herps, my present collection keeps me rather busy and I'm happy and feel blessed for what I have. ;)

11-28-04, 07:17 PM
I would like...

1.2 children's pythons
0.2 blood red x beardies
1.5 leopard geckos
1.2 crested geckos
1.1 jcp
1.2 frosted creamsicle corn hybrids
1.2 blizzard corns

Thats about it for now...it may change as per usual :)


11-28-04, 07:25 PM
Well, unless I move I likely won't be adding too much. Right now I'm just hoping to pair up a few smaller odds and ends, but with space so tight, it isn't really a priority, so I may end up putting my money to other use for a while.

1.0 Corn (Okeetee het snow)
1.0 Apricot Pueblan Milk
1.0 Whitewater Canyon Rosy Boa

11-29-04, 07:06 AM
My wish list is short and sweet and goes like this,
1.0 Uromastyx macfadyeni
0.1 uromastyx maliensis
1.0 uromastyx geyri(red)
0.1 uromastyx geyri(yellow)

That's all I want!

11-29-04, 07:57 AM
Oh I forgot Womas and Spotted pythons.
Before I get anything else though I'd like to build my new snake room and fill it with cages from this guy, Reptic Plastics (http://http://balls-o-philiak.tripod.com/repticplastics/)
I'm starting to be more concerned about the presentation of my animals than I am of getting any more. I also want to get more Helix Controls.

11-29-04, 09:47 AM
I just got my reptic-plastic cages last week, they're awesome looking light cages! I foresee to get one for each of my herps when the time comes!

11-29-04, 10:39 AM
blood python
gargoyle geckos

In reality, I don't think that I'll be getting any new herps in a while. I would like to organize my herp room better and get new enclosures and such.

My husband wants hard wood floors and california shutters, so, my money will likely go towards that next year, hehe.

11-29-04, 11:01 AM
I'm planning on getting absolutely nothing. :( Have enough snakes for now, and all the additions I want to get are either hard to get, or two expensive right now. The two species I'd most like to add are Bredl's pythons, and leopard ratsnakes.


11-29-04, 10:49 PM
i already have a sav, but here i go:

1. Snow Corn (X1)
2. Black throat monitor (X1)
3. Dimond back terriopan (x4)

11-30-04, 01:43 PM
lace monitor
crocodile monitor
blood python
yellow anaconda
green anaconda

11-30-04, 08:28 PM
Wanted Herps for next year...
-leustic texas rat snake
-Red sided garter or blue garter snake
-male ball python
-ghost or lavender cornsnake

Non-herp wanted list
- Hahns " mini" Macaw

11-30-04, 08:40 PM
I would have too say A male Lesser Platty Dah BOMMMMM;)

I hope the wife is reading this as it is X-Mass soon :) lol
Have I told you Just How Much I LOVE You Brigitte ;)


11-30-04, 08:43 PM
A HIGHBINO Hondo and a few others like a whitesided florida anary florida and and lol

12-03-04, 11:35 PM
I forgot to add snow leopard gecko.

12-03-04, 11:57 PM

Wish list 2005 and trying for hmmmmmm.

Arabesque Boa...........sex doesn' t matter - be happy to have a great specimen in general.

1.1 Triple Het Boas...........be a nice crown to my collection.

Pied Ball........prefer a male.

I' ve been good, real good - Santa hear my call, please!



12-04-04, 12:35 AM
Well I managed to buy probably 13-14 reptiles this year I dont know what next year has in store for me...

1.1 uroplatus fimbriatus

0.2 Pictus Geckos

Some really nice female Corns, I just real the corn snake manual bu the Love's and they've got a few ideas in my head. Possibly breeding my own Pewter snakes but starting from scratch with my Blood and finding a female for him. Amongst many others. Probably will expand to 7 or 8 more corns next year.

1.1 het piebald ball pythons
(possibly .1 piebald^)

1.0 Crested Gecko. Some extremely beautiful morph to breed with half of my females. Already have a nice stud though. So that might not happen.

Was thinking about a 1.2 Fat Tail group but thats only a slight possibility.

And other than that probably a few differant species of geckos, banded geckos, japanese leos, chinese cave, frog eyed whatever I decide, but it should be an interesting year :D

Setting up a small salt water fish tank
Mini Pot Bellied Pig (The women at my local pet store wants to trade me a baby from her litter in Feb. for a few Leos, and a few Cresteds for her home collection because she doesn't like getting nice morph online due to shipping)

Also hope I can get rid of my 99 Jeep Cherokee Sport that b**** sucks down more gas than all the vehicles ive ever owned put together, and it's got twice the tanks that they did too.

12-04-04, 02:57 AM
1.1 Phantasticus
0.1 Lineatus
Other Uroplatus hopefully?? maybe??
1.1 Rhacodactylus Auriculatus or an unsexed pair

Those are my big wishes, I should have picked up the pair of Auriculatus at the TARAS show but I was a numpty and had my heart set on something else at the time. Of course I feel like I would be satisfied with just these additions, but honestly, we never aren't!


01-19-05, 08:39 PM
a breeding pair of rosies anyone know of a good place to get some

01-19-05, 08:44 PM
Hehehe why not? Well for 2005 only that shortens my wishlist. But what I would LIKE:

Albino BCI
Dumerils Boa
Western Hognose
1.1 Amazon Tree Boas (Red or Yellow Phases)
1.0 Spotted Python

Frilled Dragon
Red Ackie
Snow and Patternless Leopard Geckos

B. Smithi (Mexican Redknee)

Obviously I can't get ALL of these. I'd be happy with just the snakes. Hehehe
