View Full Version : Pics of your ball python..

11-27-04, 09:41 PM
ENCLOSURES! I am just intrested in what all of your cages are like. Tomarow I will get a couple of pics up. Please post them if you can,:)

11-27-04, 09:49 PM
Basically like the enclosure pictured here: http://www3.mb.sympatico.ca/~cranwill/faq6.html

Just match the bin size to the snake and you're set! It's not pretty but it works! :D

11-27-04, 11:25 PM
I have shortened his overly tall hide on the left side since this pic was taken. It is a 29 gal aquarium turned on it's side with a screen lid mounted on a hinge so it swings up. lid locks secure the bottom and there are tracks attached to the front that plexiglass slides in so I can open/close as needed for heat/humidity issues.

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v508/lucky8926/enclosure1.jpg">

11-28-04, 12:45 AM
These are some of my enclosures for my male, when I only had him.

Now I have three, in which two live in rubbermaids, and I find those ones are doing MUCH better. Im going to soon switch all my snakes into a rubbermaid rack.

This is the most recent picture of my males set up. The hide on the right was to small, so ive replaced that. But other then that, its basically the same. (dont mind the coronna ;))

And this is the rubbermaid basic set up. I now am using one wooden hide i made which is placed over the heat source. I found that two was necessary as they were only using the heat source one anyways.


As hard as it is to do for some people, as they like to "look" at their animal, switch to rubbermaids...They're MUCH better. I didnt believe it at first, but can see the improvment in feeding, sheding, etc.

11-28-04, 10:31 AM
Here's the female:




And the male:



11-28-04, 11:07 AM
Substrate is newspaper now, but you get the idea.


11-28-04, 12:16 PM
Wow! Oh thanks for showing there homes!!! I want to improve there shedding because my female normally gets her head off, then the body. What tempatures do they sell heat tape for? I wanna swith over very soon, but I want to know where you can get it and what tempatures do they come in?

11-28-04, 01:50 PM
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v310/dawnell/20gt.jpg">

11-28-04, 01:59 PM
"where you can get it and what tempatures do they come in?"

You are located in the US so any reptile supply place online usually sells it. Try beanfarm.com

Heat tape doesn't come in tempratures. You have to buy a thermastat or dimmer to control the heat. :D


11-28-04, 05:56 PM
Ok, do they sell it in stores?:confused:

11-28-04, 07:21 PM
There's no point in using heat tape just for one enclosure; it's more for heating racks. Just buy a heatpad from your local drugstore with adjustable settings and it should do the trick. Make sure you get a model WITHOUT auto shutoff though.

11-28-04, 08:40 PM
What happens if it gets to hot??

11-28-04, 09:02 PM
A decent heatpad will be fine. If you're worried, you can also hook it up to a thermostat. If anything, heat tape is much more of a worry (overheating and fire) than a heatpad.

11-29-04, 03:45 AM
Originally posted by Vengeance
Substrate is newspaper now, but you get the idea.

that looks like a perfect tub setup for BPs. what type of UTH is that?

11-29-04, 07:54 AM
I think it is a Sunbeam one, I got it from WalMart.

11-29-04, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by Vengeance
I think it is a Sunbeam one, I got it from WalMart.

thanks dude. just dont think ive ever seen one that looked like that before. so the sunbeam ones are the human ones, right? also are they adjustable and can you hook them up to a dimmer or proportional thermostat?

11-29-04, 06:24 PM
Yep, they are the human heat pads, this my complete setup with thermostat....


11-29-04, 06:27 PM
I use the sunbeam ones too. They have off - low - medium - high settings. I usually get 90 degrees on the low setting inside the hot hide when the room is at room temperature.

11-29-04, 06:55 PM
Just feeding some of the Girls and thought I would post some for you ;)http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/500/954Nigey_Eating-med.JPG
Pastel and Big Female

11-29-04, 08:12 PM
Alright, Thanks for the help guys. Today I bought a rubbermaid, it looks like vengances. Alls I have to do is, buy a heat pad, I changed my mind about heat tape.:)

11-29-04, 10:18 PM
Originally posted by Vengeance
Yep, they are the human heat pads, this my complete setup with thermostat....

thanx thats a nice setup. so im assuming even with the low, medium, high settings you could just leave it on high or medium and also hook it up to a dimmer or proportional thermostat...?

11-30-04, 07:47 AM
I have it set on high and the thermostat takes care of the rest for me. I found low wasn't hot enough, it would take longer to get the tempature up to the proper level, medium was ok but on colder days I still ran into problems, high works well for me. The thermostat takes care of controling the temp and has a built in automatic shutoff in the event things get too hot due to malfunction.