View Full Version : Who needs morphs???

11-27-04, 08:52 AM
Even with all the new morphs out there these days, I find myself looking back to many of my normally colored snakes including this scarlet king. Oh I'm sure when an anery pops up (there are hypos and albinos) I'll be thrilled to see them and perhaps own one, but I'll always like 'em as I've found them. You??http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/500/151sk3b.JPG

11-27-04, 09:55 AM

Manitoban Herps
11-27-04, 10:05 AM
Nice scarlet...I almost got one of those before....

11-27-04, 04:21 PM
wow nice looking snake!! I wish i could go out my back door and find snakes.

11-27-04, 05:49 PM
Gorgeous snake!! The scarlets have such pointy noses. That one has incredibly rich color.

My first thought of the picture was 'snow' but I guess in your part of the world it is sand!!

nice shot,

mary v.

11-27-04, 06:19 PM
Mark, You make it sound so easy. I've waited for some scarlets to show up for sale for a couple years now.

Nice Pic


11-27-04, 07:13 PM
Mark you wouldn't happen to have any of those for sale would you? I am looking to get a pair, let me know. (herps@adelphia.net NEW) I can't find any for reasonable prices.

11-27-04, 07:20 PM
Thanks everyone. This one was found near Orlando FL. and is posed in my back yard on sand etc.
David, I don't have any but I'm sure there are some available close to you. Mine were $25. or less for hatchlings to give you an idea. A few others have them. email me and maybe I can help.

11-28-04, 03:24 PM
I'll take on a thousand Colubrids over a handfull of overpriced BP morphs anyday myself. Bright & Beautiful Vs Dull & Boring, NUFF SAID! Mark

11-28-04, 08:28 PM
Beautiful scarlet king Mark :) They've definitely got some vibrant colour to them!

Other Mark -- I've got only one thing to say to the idea of thousands of colubrids -- POOP. And lots of it :p That's one things that boids have going for them in my eyes -- I can't believe how much more the colubrids poop. LOL.


11-28-04, 09:49 PM
Can't beat nature's design IMHO :)

11-28-04, 09:57 PM
Oh thats a beautiful scarlet!

12-12-04, 01:25 AM
Fantastic elapsoides!!
I have limited experience with these.. I have owned them years back with some amaura.
I seem to recall they didn't eat very well.
Mark how are you finding scarlets for feeding, and are people actually culturing these now? They used to all be wildcaughts in the pet trade. Babies must be very challenging to get going.

Have you heard some rumours about scarlets being removed from triangulum??(meaning they're not milksnakes)

12-12-04, 07:28 AM
I have kept and bred them for years, although I have kept only a few from egg to egg. (Only because someone talks me out of my cbs). Most adult wc will feed on anoles and about 50% will take pinks. The 25"er above will eat anything and I sometimes give it a rat pup. Their "filet mignon" of choice would be any skink they could get. Their strong response to the skinks makes them ideal candidates for scenting and you can get many on rodents that way. My neonates (75%) have fed voluntarily on baby brown anoles, but some require a bit of work to get going.
I wrote a quick "care sheet" overview that I'd give to anyone interested, but have since lost it when my comp. crashed. I believe it is still floating around the web however. Maybe this year I'll rewrite it and update it as well.
I have never really felt they were a classic milksnake anyway and welcome the idea of the split.
As I understand there are many family changes in store as well.
For instance: Heterodon (hognose) being removed from colubridae.

12-12-04, 07:54 PM
Mark K. I have a copy of the scarlet king care sheet you sent me so many moons ago. If you want I can send it to you or to anyone who would like it!

Good thing I didn't reformat my HD! After I read your post I looked over my files and found it!!

I believe both hognose and garters are in their own families now. Hey, didn't you send us that paper?!

Anyhow, I agree with Mark I. Colubrids all the way!! I do not understand the appeal of boid morphs. I think it's a money thing.

12-12-04, 08:13 PM
Thank you very much Katt