View Full Version : Another Stupid Question!!!!

11-26-04, 04:12 PM
Ok........Every Ball Python Caresheet I read says that it takes a years process to succesfully breed Balls. (lowering the temps, more humidity, and u have to stop feeding for a certain amount and all of that stuff.)

But my question is, Can you just throw them in a cage together and maybe aventually they will breed? Has anyone been succesful doing that or do you have to go through all of the proper steps for success?

I know its a stupid question but every day I learn something new here and thats what im trying to do. I find that everyone here is really helpful and I really do appreciate it. And I want to say thank you for all the help people have given me in the past couple years.

Thanks Aaron

11-26-04, 04:21 PM
I do not believe there is a Stupid Question ;)After all if you dont ask you will never know Right?
Yes I know ppl who have just thrown a pair together and produced eggs (BUY LUCK)butt if you take the time to cycle them and go through all the right steps Like you said
you will have much better success


11-26-04, 04:25 PM
Thank you Honduranfreak!!! ;)

11-26-04, 04:26 PM
Now remember kids, there are no stupid questions, just stupid people....... J/K

I'm not really sure if you just threw Ball pythons in a cage if they would breed. The ideas behind why you take all of the steps outlined in care sheets it to up your chance for success. Following the guide lines, providing them with the enviormental ques that they need and giving them the situations that they need will better increase your success when breeding. Atleast that is what I've read, I have yet to prove the pratice yet.

11-26-04, 04:29 PM
I agrea you are 100% right Vengeance ;)

Your veryyyy welcome snakebeginner:)


11-26-04, 04:30 PM
No clue on this one myself... But I know a lot of other members have bred lots and lots of pythons :) I'm sure they'd be happy to let you in on some of the finer points of the procedure.

Manitoban Herps
11-26-04, 06:12 PM
I am told they will, but somewhere I heard they won't prouduce as many eggs that way.

I am not sure though, I'm, sure some breeders have tryed it though...

11-26-04, 08:42 PM
This one time I threw in a mouse...and they started to breed.

Maybe that will help :)

I am sure there is a possibilty of them mating, but WAY less than if you took the 'steps' of their natural cues.

12-01-04, 07:44 AM
Originally posted by Vengeance
Now remember kids, there are no stupid questions, just stupid people....... J/K

That's true.. and I'm one of them. XD

I was thinking fo breeding ball pythons myself but it looks like too much work.. ^^;;

12-01-04, 11:55 AM
I am cycling my ball pythons right now. Of course this is my first time breeding them, but after they were properly cooled down and i introduced the male to my female they knew just what to do. As far as stop feeding them. You dont stop feeding them, they know when to go off feed and they will do it on their own. Never take a BP off feed. They are picky eaters as it is and if they will feed, you feed them. They have been known to go off feed for a long time. I've heard up to 8 or 9 months.

12-01-04, 04:35 PM
Sadistic; no offense to anyone who takes a great deal of pride in breeding their balls, but to be perfectly honest, any 8 year old who has the basic knowledge and some common sense can breed balls successfully the very first time they try. Even Trevor did it! LOL....JK. It's definitely not rocket science. Easy as baking a cake; (not as tasty though) Don't stray from the recipe, make sure you keep the temps of the oven even for 58 days or so, keep the humidity at 100% and voila! Happy birthday Daddy!

Smeagel, you actually do stop feeding your females around February-March if they're still eating (it's rare though).

12-01-04, 04:59 PM
Mykee, my one large female is still eating great. Is that normal? And she is still growing. She just shed, and locked up with my male not 20 seconds after i put him back with her. So when will she most likely go off feed?

12-01-04, 05:05 PM
The fact that she is still eating is super, of the 10 females that I have breeding right now, only 3 have completely gone off food, 4 or so have begun eating every second week, sporadically at best (but still eating nonetheless) and only two or three are still eating the way they do the rest of the year.

If she doesn't go off feed by February-March (depending on when you cooled her) then I would just stop feeding her, regardless fo whether she wants food or not.

12-01-04, 07:09 PM
Even Trevor did it! LOL....JK.
How did I let this one slip by me? That's ok mykee I'm keeping score.lol Oh and I'll have you know the first balls I produced were 50% poss het for albino thank you very much.lol

12-01-04, 08:24 PM
Thanks for the advice Mykee.

12-01-04, 10:12 PM
Score: Michael: 17 Trevor: 3 You got some catchin' up to do buddy boy.
I thought surrounded by all those other words, you'd miss my little stab. On your toes tonight I see. Seems I have underestimated your ability. You are a worthy adversary. Fear not, I will not allow that to happen again.

12-02-04, 04:15 AM
LMAO. If ever we meet and you ask me for a glass of water....don't let me out of your sight while I get it for you.