View Full Version : Pics of your reptile rooms!!

11-25-04, 09:00 PM
Hey, For all of you that have huuge collections of reptiles, can I see your reptile rooms?? I will probally not have one till I get my own home! When I get ahold of a camera, Ill show pics of all my cages.

11-26-04, 05:55 AM
Here are a couple old pics of mine:



I'm making a few changes now but it is essentially the same.

11-26-04, 09:10 AM
Wow!!! Very nice, Ron!

12-05-04, 01:02 PM
yeah man, that is nice. I can only wish one day to have a room look like that.

12-05-04, 08:11 PM
Very nice room Ron, my wife still makes me keep my snakes in the garage. Hopefully before this month is up I can finish setting up some more Melamine 4X4's along with a few neo and yearling rubbermaid racks on the other wall.


12-05-04, 08:28 PM
awsome rooms

12-06-04, 10:00 PM
I like your melamines ssscales.:D

12-07-04, 07:23 AM
They work great as long as you seal all the edges and clean and protect them. I've had water bowls spill overnight and no rotting or peeling so far. I've used Melamine for years without any problems, but like I said you have to do some minor upkeep and clean. Not too mention they are cheap compared to plastic, for the price of one 4X4 vision delivered, I built 3 4X4's with money to spare for heat tape, lighting and astroturf. Don't get me wrong, if money is no object I would deffinetly go for plastic any day of the week.

Asian Jon
12-07-04, 12:51 PM
Great cages ssscales! I like the ventilation at the back of each cage, that's a good idea.

12-08-04, 09:12 AM
Thanks, pegboard is cheap too, $10.00 for a 8X4. When I built them I thought holding humidity would be a problem. But in the garage, they hold humidity between 60-65 depending on time of year here in FL. When shedding or if I need higher humidity, I usually either place the water bowl or a rubbermaid with moist sphagnum moss in the middle of the enclosure closer to the hot spot as you can see in the last pic. This raises humidity to about 75-80, if I need or feel they need a little extra, I'll place it closer to the hot spot or mist once a day.

12-15-04, 02:08 AM
wow you guys are obssesive..lol

12-17-04, 05:50 PM
I love both of your cage system guys! I like how both Ron and ssscales cages look simple and clean.

12-18-04, 08:04 PM
I'm trying to finish up some rubbermaid baby and yearling racks next week. Hopefully 2005 will be a good year for all!

12-23-04, 02:28 PM
ssscales, where in South Florida are you? I am in West Palm and looking to build some cages (either plywood with marine paint or melamine). Would love to get some details on what you used and approx cost. Thanks!


12-24-04, 10:35 AM
Hi Jaime, I'm in Weston FL.

I used melamine and the cost for a three 4X2 unit was about $300 total. The only cutting I had was the substrate dams. It took me about 6 or 8 hrs to build that includes taking a break here and there for lunch and beer!

EVERYTHING you need is at Home Depot or Lowes except for the door guides. They had to order these and wanted $23.00 a piece! I order these thru (Rockler woodworking and hardware), cost was $15.00 for a set shipped.

PM me with any questions you may have. I'm working on a baby and yearling rack next week.

Trust me, you can build this stuff with a hammer, drill and a few other tools you probably have around the house as is.

The Snakeman
01-09-05, 09:42 PM
Hi Ssscales,

I like your cage racks, however I would be interested in how you mounted the lighting fixtures and what kind of lighting that you are using.

The snakeman

01-09-05, 09:48 PM
Well here is a pic of the baby hondos ,to much to look at lol

01-09-05, 10:24 PM
Nice lookinh setup paul.

01-10-05, 06:16 PM
I used simple florescent lights, I believe they are 15" or 18" from Walmart for $7.00. Just screw them on and run the cable through the back.

01-11-05, 07:35 PM
ssscales...do you cover the bulbs up at all to keep them from possibly burning the snake?

VI Reptiles
01-15-05, 02:49 PM
Paul - what type of enclosures are those? I like how there small and see through. Are they kritter keepers?


01-15-05, 03:34 PM
JdmAllMotorHatc: Fluorescent lights barely generate any heat at all. I won't say "none" because all actions generate heat energy, and I don't want to get nitpicked over it :)

As long as the ballast is protected from humidity, and the connectors are covered, they're perfectly safe. They should always be shielded with plastic or something of course, to prevent breakage, but they won't burn the animals.

01-15-05, 03:40 PM
yes they are i got them for 10 ea at one of the stores i deal with they work great for little ones .the wall is a temp for the time being untill I get the hole room finished .Thanks

VI Reptiles
01-15-05, 10:15 PM
Do you think they would be good for bps like 3 ft? not necessarily that size but maybe a bit bigger?


01-16-05, 11:55 AM
hey ssscales..i live in Pembroke Pines, FL...do you breed colubrids?? did u go to the show in davie yesterday?

p.s...love love love the setup!! its so organized and clean. i wish i could have a setup that looks like that one day..;)

01-16-05, 12:40 PM

How do you find using that peg board for ventilation? Does it work way better then drilling holes and putting a plastic vent on the back?

01-16-05, 09:31 PM
Thanks everyone,

JdmAllMotorHatc: The Fluorescent bulbs generate very little heat and are protected by a plastic cover, it's a light kit from Walmart, just plug in. They work great, never had any problems, I have all of them hooked up to timers for day/night cycles.

Lioness: I live in the SilverLakes area in PP. Unfortunatly I couldn't make it to the show this weekend. This year I'm only breeding some Dumerils, BCI's and hopefully Jungle Carpet Pythons. My other snakes are yearlings and should come of age 2006 - 2007. I'm interested in producing a few boa morphs, pure hogs, sunsets and salmontines as well as some GTP's. I'm really not a colubrid person. Are you breeding colubrids? Which ones?

Beardieguy: I've never had any problems using pegboard as backing, it's cheap, HomeDepot cuts it for me, one step installation. Since I live in Florida humidity is rarely a problem here. Even now we humidity is in the 50-60 range outside, I keep my enclosures in the 55-65. I use a humidity box during shedding with some moist sphagnum moss near the hot spot and/or occassional misting to raise humidity to 75-80.