View Full Version : Linus

11-24-04, 02:25 PM
Here is my new Uroplatus Lineatus, 6 months old. I bought him from the same guy as concept3, very happy with him, named him Linus. This is my first Uroplatus and it wont be my last. I plan on acquiring a female from Neil Meister when I get a pair of phantasticus.

Here is is enclosure I'm keeping him in. I plan on adding a bit more foliage, just don't know what yet.

Here he is this morning all pale for camoflauge in the day.

Here he is last night all colored up.

And here he is showing his sweet face.

Enjoy. Any suggestions for foliage would be appreciated. I hope the pothos grows quickly and adds some cover. The coco fiber subtrate/peat moss is working well, I sprayed him last night to get 100 humidity and 12 hours later it's only dropped down to 80. I had to copy ya concept. Haha


11-24-04, 02:27 PM
okay now thats cool...!!!

11-24-04, 02:37 PM
Thanks Shadow. The bug hasn't been spread though Canada yet for these guys, hopefully this helps!


11-24-04, 02:48 PM
Aw, Linus...those are great pictures, though they don't really do him justice. I love him, he's definitely a welcome addition.


P.S. Nice toes Mike ;)

Manitoban Herps
11-24-04, 04:01 PM
I love giant leafys....nice little one.

11-24-04, 04:12 PM
Originally posted by Ptindy
Thanks Shadow. The bug hasn't been spread though Canada yet for these guys, hopefully this helps!


The Bay Exotics UROPLATUS PHOTO GALLERY (http://www.olduvaimusic.com/bayexotics/gallery.htm) should fix that problem ;)

11-24-04, 07:55 PM
Good call Hilde! Everyone follow that link and drool. Then buy some!

11-24-04, 08:28 PM
Happy to see U got him :) nice looking guy buy they way, but you did miss out on the parents :P

11-24-04, 09:07 PM
Nice gecko, and enclosure!

sweet an establishment dedicated to uroplatus! I couldn't find the location though.

11-24-04, 11:27 PM
The Bay Exotics are located in the states, don't know where but I seen info indicating that they were from there. Wish they weren't! Meister, move closer! Hahha.


11-24-04, 11:33 PM
Thanks Concept! I know, your a sneaky one!


11-25-04, 09:44 AM
Bay Exotics is in San Francisco. At least they were when I ordered a bunch Uros and cresteds from them in 1999. I brought in some very nice CB lineatus and henkeli as well as some WC sikorae for a friend (unfortunately they died a week after arrival). It looks like the page has not been updated in a long time though. The pictures are the same as they were when I first visited the site 5 years ago.