View Full Version : Metal Gear Solid 3 - Snake Eater......is out!

11-23-04, 03:00 PM
Hi there folks:

The long awaited best game game ever and part of a series in Playstation 2 games is finally released, out and bought. That' s right the game that started me back years ago and I even bought a Playstation 1 to play it was Metal Gear. Now that a few years past #2 came out and finally today release date November 23, 2004.............Metal Gear Solid 3 - Snake Eater.

That' s right.............Metal Gear Solid 3 - Snake Eater.


Looks like a night of solid playing of this game I waited 2 years to see this I am so ready to enter the new conflict this edition brings up in game play.

If your interested best price I know of just now is Walmart, any other place wants $8 - $20 more for same product.

This one cost me $58.83 CAD after taxes.


Tony Pharosx

11-23-04, 03:26 PM
Looks fun.

Games sure are expensive these days. I wouldn't have even tried out Doom 3 for the computer if it hadn't come with our video card. But as a gamer myself, I would still be willing to pay more for the best games! LOL


11-24-04, 11:57 AM
Awesome, the Metal gear series are so much fun to play. Can you tell me what online play is like once you get a chance to check it out. Thanks! Enjoy your game:)

11-24-04, 12:01 PM
Yes the Metal Gear Solid games are awesome. I picked up number 3 on the night of November 22 Tony at Futureshop, where were you haha


11-24-04, 05:16 PM
What I meant to say, whats the storyline, and basically what its about ?

11-25-04, 06:29 PM

Its a milary game, more of stealth and destroy certain bosses through a group of missions. So far I just got into it and went through 2 missions where if you followed the past games this new game goes to the beginning of some old characters. So far its been jungle missions where you need to play total stealth and survive. Lots of new game play has been put into this series. If you get hurt, shot, or venomed by a snake you need to cure yourself. You also need to keep up your stamina to perform at peak, heal yourself and so on. Also a biggie is you get a bundle of camoflague and you need to make sure you got the right mixtures to reach perfect invisability. So far I have see in animals to take down and add as a food supply, green tree pythons, burms, retics, rats, mushrooms, frogs, and quails and some fruit. I really loved a situation where you need to get past a rope bridge and the best was was to put out a hornet' s nest and let the guards deal with that so you can get past. I am so into this game can' t wait for weekend so I can put another 2 - 3 hours into it.

Check it out, its worth it.


Tony Pharosx