View Full Version : Beautiful blk rats *pics*

11-23-04, 09:34 AM
I got these two beauties, thanks to Dean Goudie who listened to me beg for a year and SCALES Zoo who shipped these guys here.

They are a male whitesided blk rat and a female het. There's a possiblity that the female may be a brindle, as she's a bit unusual looking. Here's hoping!

They are great eaters, inquisitive and have nice docile personalities already!!

The male.

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v147/Kattia/Rats/wsbod.jpg">

The female.

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v147/Kattia/Rats/wshet.jpg">

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v147/Kattia/Rats/wshet2.jpg">

It's a shame these are illegal in two provinces, b/c they are such lovely snakes to own.

11-23-04, 11:09 AM
I LOVE the white sided! It's so beautiful. The color of their heads is neato too.


11-23-04, 11:31 AM
I had a baby Black Rat that had the personality that people describe Retics having!

Great pics.

11-23-04, 11:56 AM
I wish we could keep them here great looking snakes Katt

Jungle Jen
11-23-04, 12:08 PM
I have a proven pair of albinos, the male is a doll, but the female is a bit bitey. I had thought of selling them but they are such beautiful animals I'm not sure I want to part with them!!!

11-23-04, 12:20 PM
Thanks guys! Hopefully SCALES Zoo post theirs. They have a lovely female whitesided who'z quite a bit bigger than my male.

Whitesideds are way prettier when they're older and the pinky white parts turn white. The only adult whitesided I ever saw (the father of these guys) was absolutely gorgeous, pure black with pure white.

11-23-04, 12:52 PM
Very nice Katt,

Black rats are such gracefull snakes and so underated, white sided are awesome looking, on my wish list...

11-23-04, 01:17 PM
You can keep them in quebec Marc ?we cant in ont !

11-23-04, 01:52 PM
Great looking black rats Katt - love the whitesided!! Hope to see you producing those in the future - one of the benefits of moving to Saskatchewan is that I would be able to get some of those,

mary v.

11-23-04, 08:02 PM
Great looking snakes! congrats! Katt

Scotty & Les