View Full Version : Emperor Scorpion Substrate

11-22-04, 11:46 PM
I just got a emperor scorpion. I have owned scorpions in the past. I know your supposed to use soil, moss, etc for substrate but can you use cedar or aspen shavings? I have plenty of it left over and just wanted to know if its possible and safe. I've tried searching about it and found nothing. Thanks

11-23-04, 09:34 AM
In short, no. They can not properly burrow in this, and ceder (and pine) have the potential to kill the animal. It's only $3.00 for a 25 litre bag of organic soil, just go get that. It would also be hell trying to keep any decent humidity in that.


11-23-04, 11:55 AM
Thanks. I just fed my scorpion a pinkie yesterday. I know you can feed them pinkies but how often should u?. I breed mice and rats for my pets and i always have pinkies laying around. Of course the main diet would be crickets but a pinkie once every 2 weeks?

11-23-04, 11:58 AM
I have never offered mine pinkies before.

I fed crickets daily.

11-23-04, 12:04 PM
Ive seen black emperors take adult mice before but i wouldnt suggest it...mine eat crickets, superworms and cricket water ..i keep mine on bed a beast cause it helps to make it more natural and keeps moisture pretty good.....peat moss or organic soil is also very good....


11-23-04, 12:04 PM
Got any pics Tim?

I am getting back into Emperors! They are awesome

11-23-04, 01:52 PM
Ive been using the bed a beast/eco earth/coconut fiber now and find it keeps moisutre REALLY well and looks like its holding his burrows well.