View Full Version : REALLY excited about these new additions...*many pics*
11-22-04, 11:39 PM
These are the two new rainbows I picked up from Grant (Port Credit Pets) this weekend, and I'm just too excited about them :D
Venezuelan Rainbow Boa:
Male Brazilian Rainbow Boa...I forgot how small and cute babies were!:
And his future mate, my female:
Phew! Thanks for looking, and special thanks to Matt for holding the Venezuelan for me and being bitten by the Brazilian for me :p
They're both awesome Heather!! I wanted to keep the Venezuelan for myself!! Hmmmm, There is that yearling there, Maybe I might have to grab it :D
And it was only a couple days and two meals, so no need to thank me :D IM just glad you're happy with the little one..
11-22-04, 11:43 PM
Heather they look great congrats. ;) and it was nice to finally meet you at the show even tho I did walk right bye ya lol
BAD Matt lol ;) Oh and it was nice to see you again to I think lmao :)
11-22-04, 11:44 PM
Holy pics batman! LOL. Are you SURE you didn't have me beat Heather? :p ;)
Both of your new babies look AWESOME :D :D The ven looks really cool -- definitely different looking than the brazilians! And your new little brb boy is sooooooooooo cute :) Nice colour on him too -- he'll make some awesome babies with Mattilda in a few years! Speaking of whom, she's looking awesome too, and getting biiiig!
Great stuff Heather, congrats :)
Originally posted by honduranfreekk
Heather they look great congrats. ;) and it was nice to finally meet you at the show even tho I did walk right bye ya lol
BAD Matt lol ;)
It's not my fault I thought you guys knew eachother.. Who do I look like, Chuck Woolery???? 'we'll be back in 2 and 2'..
11-22-04, 11:47 PM
LOL Matt I dont have to answer that do I?? lol
Thanks for bringing the probes for me bro ;)
11-22-04, 11:58 PM
Wow, heather, your BRBs are so colourful! I dont think i ever noticed how cute the baby BRBs are!!! The pic of your female BRB is also excellent! I have a question, thought! What is the major difference between the guyana rainbow boa and the venezualian rainbow boa ( except the locality! )???
11-23-04, 12:07 AM
Thanks guys!
Kelvin, it was nice to FINALLY meet you too after Matt slacked off on the whole 'introducing us' thing :p
Phil, I've done a ton of searching on Venezuelan rainbows and haven't even come up with as much as a Latin name...a book I had said that they were a 'morph' of the Colombian rainbows, while Jeff Clark said in response to an email that calling them Venezuelan rainbows was probably as close as we could get, and it might even be an intergrade of the surrounding species...he also said there is an officially unidentified locality that will probably end up being called a Guyana Rainbow.
I wish there was more information on distinguishing between the different locales...
Well I don't know why people keep calling them Guyana Rainbow.
I have a pair that were cbb form wild caught rainbows right out of Venezuela.
A friend of mine got 6 pairs over a few years (mid 80s-eary 90s)
They all look the same and all the babies look the same. Intergrades usually have a mixed look or some babies look like one parent and the rest like the other or all three can happen.
All the Venezuelans I've seen and produced tell me that this is its own subspecies
As for the latian the only thing I've seen is from the June 98 Reptiles mag by Chris Mattison. He calls them E.c.crassus. The pic of the rainbow he has could be a sister to my pair. I know that there are other pic with other typs of rainbows with E.c.crassus labled on them but most are old, some pics are from the 70s and older so I don't tend to trust them.
They are one of the easyer boas to keep and still one of my favorite snakes to this day whatever they may be called!
11-23-04, 01:28 AM
Do you have pictures of your pair?
All I've read has said that E.c.crassus are Paraguayan rainbows...this is dumb, I really wish there was a better way to keep track of them all and determine the locales properly.
Does the one above look like the Venezuelans your friend has?
Tim and Julie B
11-23-04, 02:42 AM
Man I hope you saved some for me.....I am still awaiting a reply from PCPC. But they must be super busy with the show. I just hope there are a few left. :D TB
11-23-04, 04:53 AM
wow heather.. you actually held your new brazilian?
i am impressed :P
they look good.. :)
11-23-04, 04:57 AM
just thimk Heather in two more tears and she will look like this
good looking boas best of luck with them : Paul Big Hill Reptiles
11-23-04, 01:21 PM
Tim and Julie, there was still one baby left when I FINALLY left the store ;)
He hasn't bitten me yet Joey :p I think he just has a taste for Matt ...
Thanks Paul! Your Brazilian is so dark, she's really pretty :D
Thanks guys.
Originally posted by HeatherRose
He hasn't bitten me yet Joey :p I think he just has a taste for Matt ...
Don't they all?? Oh, and the reptiles too.. :D LOL
Congrats on the new additions, they all look great! :D LOL and that little male BRB is way too cute o>
11-28-04, 10:15 PM
Sweet snakes Heather. Grant bought a litter of 10 from some friends of mine this summer. If that baby is one of them I sexed it and the rest of the litter at a meet and greet at my place this July. There are pics in my gallery. Who knows you might see your little guy in
11-28-04, 10:32 PM
Awesome Trevor! :D He's such a little cutie...he ate tonight too :D
11-30-04, 12:03 PM
Hey..Question about the BRBs. Maybe Matt could answer this. Do they always have that triangle shape with the spine sticking out a bit? I have an adult rescue that is a little thin but I dont have a comparison to know how thin. Since I have had her she has regurged a couple times (in about 3 months). I am going to take her to be looked at. I stepped her up to a medium rat and she didnt regurge for over 8 days. I am not sure if there is a blockage in her digestive system that it would go that long without digestion.
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