11-22-04, 06:13 PM
I just wanted to quickly thank the number of great friends we have out there that help us with putting on each and every expo. It would be crazy to try and list everyone that helps. Those people know whom they are, thank you on behalf of myself, the vendors and the herpers that attend each event. Thanks for getting up when everyone else is just going to sleep the night before each expo and dragging yourselves to the facility to start the ball rolling.
Congratulations to the many new vendors taking the plunge into the commercial avenue of the hobby. Its a turbulent ride at times so hold on, those that are destined too will survive with the help of the expo and their friends.
I hope that every one enjoys these events. I am always open to hearing peoples thoughts on how to better the Expo's. I would like to bring back the guest speakers once again but that unfortunately really never got the just review it deserved. Even with bringing in top names. How would you feel about work shops? or even silent auctions for dry good packages (not reptiles! and only items that vendors would not be selling)? or a photo contest? best tank setup? These are all just ideas that I am thinking of or have experienced through out the years with various Reptile Clubs or Expos.
Please forward your thoughts to me at pcpcmail@rogers.com or post a reply within this thread.
Happy Holidays and I hope Santa treats you all well over the Christmas Break. See you on February 27th, 2005! Only ten weeks away LOL
Grant Crossman
Congratulations to the many new vendors taking the plunge into the commercial avenue of the hobby. Its a turbulent ride at times so hold on, those that are destined too will survive with the help of the expo and their friends.
I hope that every one enjoys these events. I am always open to hearing peoples thoughts on how to better the Expo's. I would like to bring back the guest speakers once again but that unfortunately really never got the just review it deserved. Even with bringing in top names. How would you feel about work shops? or even silent auctions for dry good packages (not reptiles! and only items that vendors would not be selling)? or a photo contest? best tank setup? These are all just ideas that I am thinking of or have experienced through out the years with various Reptile Clubs or Expos.
Please forward your thoughts to me at pcpcmail@rogers.com or post a reply within this thread.
Happy Holidays and I hope Santa treats you all well over the Christmas Break. See you on February 27th, 2005! Only ten weeks away LOL
Grant Crossman