View Full Version : Are snakes....

10-25-02, 06:14 PM
Should snakes be in captivity?
How many people think so?
Also, how many of you breed snakes captivly?
How many of you have CB snakes?

I am trying to convince my mom, that snakes (Esp. BP's) are almost never WC, unless for new blood, adn their "native country" ("where they belong!!!") is in a nice terrarium, where they are ensured a lifetime of good care, proper feeding and health, humane treatment, rescue from stupid people who like to eat/make stuff out of them, and a long lifetime. How many agree with me?
any supportive comments would be nice.


10-25-02, 09:49 PM
Should dogs/cats/fish/any animal be kept captive?

One could argue that point over any animal anyone has ever "held captive". I feel that if the animal is being kept in conditions equal to, or greater than their natural habitat and is being treated with respect, then why not?

I hope your mom comes around for you. Good luck, buddy!

p.s. You gotta watch the WC thing with balls unless you are buying from a reputable breeder.

Kyle Barker
10-26-02, 12:55 AM
Well put Cranwill. Wc is very common in *some* snakes. Ball pythons are one of the more common imports so be carfull. You can usually tell because they tend to look like crap (mostly in pet stores). Good luck.


10-26-02, 07:37 AM
There is still a fair amount of WC animals in the pet trade, but you can easily avoid supporting that aspect, since there are many CB animals available as well. Just choose your source carefully. Personally, I believe that these animals should be bred in captivity for the protection of the species. Some species are almost extinct in the wild due to habitat destruction, overcollection, etc. which is why it is important to maintain these animals and keep -at least- their captive populations thriving.

10-26-02, 03:01 PM
Thanks a lot, guys! I think these posts have swayed my moms opinion some... again, thanks!
Dan Conner