View Full Version : Help! Want to get into Geckos

11-21-04, 05:20 PM
I am largely into beardies, but am looking into getting into geckos for an investment purpose. I would like to purchase a few of them and breed them ultimately. What I need to know is, what type of geckos are in demand and what are fairly easy to breed? I have been currently looking at the crested and leaf tails, but have been told by a few reliable people that the leaf tails are extremely difficult to breed. Now I ask my friends at SSnaKess...What geckos should I invest in? Thanks in advance.

Manitoban Herps
11-21-04, 05:32 PM
Umm leaf tailes are not to hard to breed from what I have heard.....try white lined geckos or african fat tail geckos, not very popular but easy to care and breed.

11-21-04, 05:49 PM
satanics arent hard to breed from what I hear( I am waiting for my pair to grow up a bit more ), they just lay a lot of infertile eggs, especially in the first season.

11-22-04, 07:33 AM

11-22-04, 08:20 AM
Cresteds are really nice to have. I would say cresteds.

Brent Strande
11-23-04, 02:00 AM
Originally posted by adamofsound
satanics arent hard to breed from what I hear( I am waiting for my pair to grow up a bit more ), they just lay a lot of infertile eggs, especially in the first season.

Getting fertile eggs then sounds like it ain't easy if you ask me...

Anywho, I have 4 cresteds for now, and i think that they're just absolutely amazing! I would definitely recommend them!

11-23-04, 02:07 AM
Crested geckos are awesome and in demand, but I say in the next ocuple years the market will be flooded very nicely with them. Leaf tails are hard to breed if you don't know what you are doing. There are not many recipe books for them and I hear raising the hatchlings through the first couple months is the hardest part, not getting them to breed.


11-23-04, 08:54 AM
Uroplatus will breed easily, it's their only natural to propagate the species when conditions are right. Getting fertile eggs is tricky. The worst is keeping the babies alive. How often have you seen any Uroplatus for sale and how many of them are guaranteed CB? Other than henkeli, there are very few CB out there. Neil Meister in NS is doing a fantastic job with his Uroplatus, but it's not easy.
I had U. fimbriatus years ago, and got a total of a dozen fertile eggs from one pair. The trouble starts when they hatch - they don't compromise any on care, you have it perfect or they languish and die. One of the hatchlings made it past her first birthday, which is a rotten success rate. I catered to them, but they still died. With the knowledge we've got now (and a lot of it is info that Neil has supplied), they should get easier to breed and raise in the near future, but for now, they're still among the trickiest gecko species to reproduce in captivity.