View Full Version : Spoils from today's show?

11-21-04, 01:17 PM
Alright.. who got what today?

at the show today, and in the last few days leading up to the show, we picked up two JCP's from Charlie (aka Cretaceous Snakes), a boa, and a ball.. photos will come soon :)

Justin & Jessy

11-21-04, 02:11 PM
Hey Justin

We got 2 Russian sand boas and bunch of under water heaters and fliters at a great price.



Scotty & Les

11-21-04, 02:39 PM
Crestie, south florida king and a lot of feeders

11-21-04, 02:48 PM
A beautiful baby Guyana BCC from Linds. I also got a BCI back that I sold a few months ago :).

11-21-04, 02:58 PM
A darling het amel African Fat tailed gecko from Linda.
*swoon* Just looking at her makes me giddy.

11-21-04, 03:04 PM
A female hypo pastel leo from Reptile Rascals.
I was hoping to find another female helmeted gecko but no one had any

11-21-04, 03:06 PM
I got... Feeders, and a Red Stripe Male.

11-21-04, 03:58 PM
I was all ready to go this morning...but when I went to check on my chameleon eggs (Bradypodion tavetanum)before heading out ... I found two little heads popping out! Nine more to go! My eyeballs are drying out, maybe I should stop staring at the eggs...


:skull: Jenn:skull:

11-21-04, 04:36 PM
Nothing special caught my eye. I just grabbed 4 feet of heat tape from Simon, probe set off Matt, wax worms from Canadian Feeders, and some rats from Mark. Pretty good show, and by the looks of it, it seemed vendors were doing really well.

Congrats to another great show PCPC

11-21-04, 05:02 PM
I got a nice baby atb and a nice size fishers cham both from pcpc. and got some pinky mice and turtle food.

11-21-04, 05:20 PM
I didn’t make it to the show, as I live way out here in NB, but I did pick up a nice adult ETB and a Beautiful adult IJCP yesterday. This is as good a place as any to post about it.


11-21-04, 05:25 PM
Nothing but feeder rats. There was some very nice stuff displayed at the show. Seemed to be one of the busiest November shows Ive ever seen.

11-21-04, 06:40 PM
Some time Devon we should make a NB herper road trip to the show. All we need is someone with a mini-van.

11-21-04, 06:49 PM
You guys are lucky, I have to wait till next April for my free for all!
Pictures! come on people.


11-21-04, 07:05 PM
Some nice new Kritter keepers for some spiders, a lot of feeders from my buddy Rob St John @ Canadian feeders, and a great conversation with a great friend, Yve.


11-21-04, 07:35 PM
I bought a baby colombian boa off of jeff hathaway. My first snake seems to be a nice guy..:D

11-21-04, 07:40 PM
Well I went to a show today in White Plains new york not the same as you guys but I got a Male Het blood red x lavender corn snake, and an okatee female corn, and a male pictus het for xan.

11-21-04, 07:40 PM
Mmmmm spoils! Nice to see you and Jessy there Justin :) I picked up a bunch of stuff from Grant @ PCPC:

1.0 Brazilian Rainbow Boa
0.1 Venezuelen Rainbow Boa
Pacman Frog

A wicked little crestie from Matt_K...

Some awesome rainbow/candycane socks from Nick and Melly...

Some rats from Mice4You and some from Mark Hewitt, and a crapload of mealies and silkworms from Canadian Feeders.

I had a great time!

11-21-04, 07:52 PM
Hey, you got a crestie from Matt_K? So he DID have room for a new one!!! I should have pressured him a bit more, made him see it my way. I just knew he needed another crestie and I was right!! LOL

I got a red striped female gargoyle from Robert Wong in a trade. It made my day.... I'd been wanting one of them for ages. Now to wait patiently until spring when I can introduce her to my male.
is it spring yet?
. *sigh*

11-21-04, 07:53 PM
He was plotting to steal the one your friend brought over to show us, hers was NICE! All your stuff was looking awesome too :D

This crested was a birthday present ;)

11-21-04, 07:56 PM
Hey Hilde, Mark ended up buying one of the female stripes too, to go with his red male. Did you ever see his red male?

Those stripes were beauties!

11-21-04, 07:59 PM
I didn't even look around lest I be tempted....but a little present came to me from a sweet friend:D...thanks for the versi Aidan...that was very thoughtful of you...I'm still thinking of a name dagnamit!

11-21-04, 08:23 PM
Originally posted by DragnDrop
Hey, you got a crestie from Matt_K? So he DID have room for a new one!!! I should have pressured him a bit more, made him see it my way. I just knew he needed another crestie and I was right!! LOL

Hilde, Honestly, I was looking for you at the end of the day to see what you had left, but you were already gone!! I DO have room for more, but the wallet would have screamed at me!! :D

I picked up........

A Male Blood Python from Natalie.. I know for sure it's a male, as soon as you touch it, he throws his 'stuff' at you LOL..

And a female Guyanan Boa from Linds.. I'll post pics of the boa later on, this thing is AMAZING and needs to be shown off :D

Aside from that, all I got was my Calendar from Ryan M Bolton, And a HUGE thanks to those of you who stopped by my table and grabbed a calendar..

It was also nice talking to a few new people today as well the many familiar faces..

And the BIGGEST thanks of the Day has to go to Heather Rose for all her help behind the table, I honestly don't know what I would have done without you today...


11-21-04, 08:34 PM
Originally posted by Matt_K
Aside from that, all I got was my Calendar from Ryan M Bolton, And a HUGE thanks to those of you who stopped by my table and grabbed a calendar..
Yes, indeed a huge thanks to everyone who helped the KTTC by purchasing a calendar. It was great to meet you Matt, and of course, a big thanks to you for selling some calendars for us and for helping out with the advertising here on ssnakess.com (thanks also to Heather :))
All the best,
P.S. You can remove the ad anytime you wish now.
Thanks again!

11-21-04, 08:38 PM
And the BIGGEST thanks of the Day has to go to Heather Rose for all her help behind the table, I honestly don't know what I would have done without you today...

No problem at all, it was my pleasure :D I had a blast!

Yes, indeed a huge thanks to everyone who helped the KTTC by purchasing a calendar. It was great to meet you Matt, and of course, a big thanks to you for selling some calendars for us and for helping out with the advertising here on ssnakess.com (thanks also to Heather )

No kidding! I bought the first one :D I pushed them like crazy for you...those calendars are amazing Ryan, the pictures are great...now I have a 2005 calendar :p

11-21-04, 08:47 PM
Just got home from work, so, here are photos of the newest additions to the family. Everyone is in temporary quarantine housing, so if their setups don't look 100% as they should be, that is why.

this little gentleman we adopted to us by a friend.

I got this guy yesterday, so it still counts :) he doesn't seem to like his towel.

This guy, Mr. Grumpy I picked up on thursday after bugging a buddy of mine for him for almost two years. this guy is HUGE..


this little girl will look amazing when she's older.. her yellow is so pale its nearly white.


:).. had a great time today, Thanks Grant!

11-21-04, 08:58 PM
I had a nice time today. I got a temp gun off Matt, feeders from Canadian Feeders and a lovely patternless leopard gecko but unfortuantly I forgot who from! :P


11-21-04, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by HeatherRose
No kidding! I bought the first one :D I pushed them like crazy for you...those calendars are amazing Ryan, the pictures are great...now I have a 2005 calendar :p
I'm very happy you like the calendar, we are extremely happy with it as well. Also, sorry I didn't properly introduce myself, it was sooo loud at times I was mainly just smiling and nodding whenever someone said something. I think Matt had said "this is Heather" and I just kind of gave the 'sup nod because I wasn't quite sure what he said. Anyway, I'm not a jerk ;)

11-21-04, 10:09 PM
That is one nice looking JCP Justin, trade?


11-21-04, 10:10 PM
The hubby and I got 1.1 Beardies and 2 habitarium enclosures. The beardies are settling in nicely, my first lizards! :)

11-21-04, 10:10 PM
.. HELL NO! :)..

11-21-04, 11:01 PM
Just got myself another little ETB from JD_Terrariums :)!! Awesome looking and actually exploring it's new cage :)!

11-21-04, 11:13 PM
Great show today!! We actually made it there before the end this time so we did get to buy a few thing.:D We picked up a pair of bearded dragons from Capital Dragons, an adult female boa from Mardy, several dart frogs, hooks and an enclosure that almost did not fit in my car!! Took me awhile but I made it fit. Next time I'm coming in the Jeep.

11-21-04, 11:20 PM
Well, I started off the day buying a bp manual, then I bought a beautiful amel corn female, a female baby ball, a crested gecko book from Scotty, who sexed two of my snakes for me. What a sweet man he is!
I also came home with some butterworms and waxies.
I got 4 ocellated skinks from Roy and a New Guinea Legless lizard from Grant. Which reminds me, does anyone know where I can find a good care sheet on these guys!! I previously did research but on the European legless lizard and I'm not sure if they have the same requirements but couldn't fine the New Guinea one on a google search. :(
I also bought a calender and some prevent a mite. I wanted to pick up some heating pads and forgot. lol.
And I got a bag of rodent food and some mice from Mice 4 you. They even threw in some rat pups because the mice weren't as nice as he expected. That was really thought ful. :)
I was so tempted with those fisher chams as well but I had to leave with some money in my pocket!

Oh, and I spread the reptile bug to my friend. He usually drives me to all the shows and he fell in love with a leucistic texas rat and came home with it. :)

There were so many beautiful animals there today! It was an awesome show and I had a great time.

Thanks Grant and all who made it possible.

Double J
11-22-04, 01:04 AM
Well, I picked up a few goodies......
I nabbed an unsexed pair of Giant Day Geckos (Phelsuma madagascariensis grandis) from Nathan Greenlay (Geckoboy) and a couple of those blue fiddler crabs from Web Wheeler's table for my little lady.
I think, this is the first time that I did not come home from a show with any Darts from Mark Pepper (Understory Enterprises)..... That said, I will without a doubt, come home from his place within the next month with some more dendros. Still, I managed to come home with *LESS* than I went with... which is an absolute first!
To me, it seemed as if there was a little more variety than in the past. Either that, or I saw more things that I liked.
Phil Ramos always has some neat little amphibs at his table... but no salamanders this time. I would have picked up those emperor newts from The Reptile Store... but someone managed to get to them before I did. You know, I really miss the arachnophiliacs table......even though I am not really an invert guy ,they always brought some spice to the show. It is a shame that paranoia is keeping them out of the venue rather than reason. I would hate to see something like western hognose snakes being banned for their being rear-fanged.
What I like about the shows the most, besides coming home with additions to the frog room, or the gecko room..... is clearly shooting the breeze with fellow hobbyists. I also enjoy helping beginners head in the right direction when they make their first herp purchase. It is always rewarding clearing up misconceptions about husbandry and of course, reassuring people that poison dart frogs *DO NOT* shoot poisonous darts out of their mouths. You'd be surprised how often that comes up.

11-22-04, 08:39 AM
The day was sucking from the moment I woke up. We almost didn't even make it... went to get gas and take out money for the show only to find my bank card reset itself... and Mike had nothing either, so we had to go back to the house and borrow money from my parents (which we were already borrowing my moms broken down jeep because my car is too small to hold more than one cage). Then the whole way up the jeep was emitting odours on and off, and the interior functions kept failing to work. Had to take a pee break, only to find the gas station didn't have one :rolleyes: We got there *just* before the doors opened, lucky for us we didn't have a complicated display to setup! Overall it was a pretty crummy day, although I got to see some old faces and meet a few new ones, got some frozen mice from Andrew @ Mice4You, and got to take home two beautiful cages from Jean-Benoit at Reptic-Plastics :D

Dani and Matt,
Glad you guys are so happy with your little monsters! :D

11-22-04, 09:14 AM
Still, I managed to come home with *LESS* than I went with... which is an absolute first!

Same here. All I got was a hemostat from Matt K. Used it last night and it sure beats kitchen tongs!

11-22-04, 10:05 AM
I bought a fabulous little crestie from DragonDrop, yay! It's already eaten a couple crickets, the ravenous little thing. My mom got herself another small redfoot (she's addicted) and my friend who came down, also left with a beautiful tiny amel corn and a hamster, rescued from the mouth of the lion, so to speak. :D

11-22-04, 10:30 AM
Of course, I only intended to sell calendars and I made certain not to bring any cash whatsoever, yet, for some reason I managed to get pushed back into Okeetee Corn Snakes with this gift from a friend.
You'll notice calcium powder on the caudal portion of the mouse; I found, when I used to breed corns, that the babies grew up better when pink mice had a little calcium supplementation (since pink mice are rather calcium deficient, and it is during this growth stage that skeletal development is most important in young snakes).
Anyway, here are the pics!

11-22-04, 10:59 AM
Gorgeous Ryan! I meant to get one of those calenders! Do you have any left and can you ship?

11-22-04, 11:04 AM
Originally posted by corr
I meant to get one of those calenders! Do you have any left and can you ship?
Yep! Most of the sales will be through mail order. Just send a quick e-mail to brookslab@hotmail.com and you will get a reply with how to order, it's real easy - we just need an address and as soon as we get the cheque we just mail it out. Don't forget to say who sent you ;)

11-22-04, 11:11 AM
Oh, another thing i "bought" on the way home.. a $40 speeding ticket down hurontario :(

11-22-04, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by Double J
You know, I really miss the arachnophiliacs table......even though I am not really an invert guy ,they always brought some spice to the show. It is a shame that paranoia is keeping them out of the venue rather than reason. I

I know, it's too bad. I heard a couple people complain about not seeing any arachnids at the show. One guy was saying he drove 4 hours to find a nice spider and there wasn't any at the show. I guess that would be a disappointment after all that driving.

11-22-04, 12:00 PM
Well *very very* close to the show is Port Credit Pets and they always have a nice selection of tarantulas! :)


11-22-04, 12:13 PM
I spent way too much yesterday. ;)

Went there in the morning and got a temp gun, a thermostat and a bag of frozen feeders. Ran into boa who had just bought a big female ball. Turns out we were both talking to the same guy about it and he had contacted it first, but I ended up buying it from him for the same price.

Came back later with the gf as she wanted to check out the show, ran into boa again and we decided to meet up later that night to pickup some more ball pythons that I had put a deposit down on.

So in total yesterday I got:
- 0.3 big female balls
- 1.1 04 100% het albino pair
- 1.0 03 beautiful pastel...the yellow on this guy is unbelievable
- feeders
- temp gun
- thermostat

Plus in the last 2 weeks I built a sub-adult rack, an adult rack and a rat rack (which is being taken apart and redone today as it's more like the leaning rat rack of pisa right now). I think it's safe to say i've officially been hooked :D

11-22-04, 12:15 PM
Thanks Ryan, I'll do that right now!

11-22-04, 12:19 PM
Justin, you're lucky with a 40 dollar speeding ticket. When the ERAS show in Edmonton went on I went up there to check it out and go see WEST Edmonton Mall as I've never been there. Wayne Gretzkey Blvd, or whatever it's called, $287 red light radar ticket. I was piiiiissssed when I got that in the mail.


11-22-04, 12:39 PM
That is the nicest Okeetee baby I have ever seen! Wow...

11-22-04, 02:06 PM
Originally posted by Ptindy
Justin, you're lucky with a 40 dollar speeding ticket.

I was thinking the same thing. Justin, come on, you can go faster than that! :p

11-22-04, 02:58 PM
Originally posted by corr
I'll do that right now!
Thanks very much for the much needed support! Always appreciated.

11-22-04, 04:54 PM
it was sooo loud at times I was mainly just smiling and nodding whenever someone said something.

That's no problem, I do that all day...except when...Matt's talking to me, of course :p

11-22-04, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by HeatherRose
That's no problem, I do that all day...except when...Matt's talking to me, of course :p

Okay, so what do you want now??? :D


11-22-04, 07:39 PM
yeah, those red-light camera tickets are an annoying surprise.. i got one of them last year because it was late at like 2am and i crept forward too far waiting for the light to change. apparently that's considered running the red..

and the speeding ticket, i was going like 20 over.. but as we all know, because police are such nice people, they usually mark your speed down for like 10km over.. which just prooves to me that speed traps are not to serve or protect the public, but just as an extra source of revenue.

but regardless, It was a fun show as always..


11-22-04, 08:18 PM
I didnt manage to pick up a calender, but where I work we've got some so im going to pick one up. They look great!

11-22-04, 08:33 PM
Hey Adam,
Are you pushing those calendar sales at work ;)
How are they selling?

11-22-04, 08:34 PM
I am not in that often, only 12 hours a week, and personally havnt sold any. The pile seems to be getting smaller though :)

11-23-04, 06:14 AM
Well i did pretty well myself, I picked up an albino pacman frog for the kids,as well as a skink for them. I drove up with some old and new friends it was a total blast. Before the show i worked out some trades with friends, I am just on pins and needles waiting till i actually get my new babies. I traded Paul some geckos for one of his georgeous male boas. He's too dye for :) I also traded another friend for a tortise that my kids have been dying for since the summer. and mean old mom is gonna hold it back till x-mas lol. but hey i still get to play with him once he gets here :P It was an awsome time just can't wait till the next one :)the kids already have an order in for more skinks lol.

11-23-04, 06:38 AM
should be ready to dliver this weekend
I know the kids will love this little man
not the best picture but it's all i have handy at this time,as soon as he is done with my female lol

11-23-04, 04:11 PM
I thought it was a pretty good show. There were lots of people and a good selection. I had my eyes on some Platypholis/Homopholis fasciata but decided not to purchase them due to my current lack of space and money. Instead, I picked up some feeders from Jay's Son's Snakes, Canadian Feeders and Ontario Rodents. I also grabbed an AWESOME CALENDAR from the KTTC table :D:p

11-24-04, 07:40 PM
Finally got some pictures up... Don't mind the cages, they are quarenteen cages.

Here is my new baby bp. Cleo.

My new corn. I got her in this cage and took some pics before changing the substrate to paper towel.

My ocellated skinks from Roy.

and my legless lizard.

Hope it didn't take too long to upload. :)
I absolutely love the New Guinea legless lizard! It's so awesome, not sure what gender it is though and it still hasn't eaten for me yet. Hopefully soon.