View Full Version : Huffing more offen?

11-21-04, 01:44 AM
I noticed today that my Argentine Boa has been huffing or blowing air out of her mouth when she exhails. She used to do it every once in a while but I noticed today that it's every couple minutes.

I looked into the possibility of a respiratory infection but I haven't noticed any gargling or open mouth breathing. She's not irritable but she has been staying in her hiding box for the past couple days constantly since I fed her 2 days ago. She usually only stays in there for maybe a day before she's wanting out to visit.

The temps stay about 78-80 in my apartment all the time and durring the day I have a ceramic heat lamp and a UV lamp on and the temp gets to about 85 in the cool side and 90 to 95 in the basking area. I keep the humidity about 70% most of the time. I can't sem to get it any higher but when I finish the new cage it'll have a misting system and no screen on the top to keep the moisture in.

Any help would be great!!!

11-21-04, 02:59 AM
chances are she is using teh hide coz shes feeling vulnerable since she just ate

i bet she will be out as soon as her meal is digested


11-21-04, 03:01 AM
Well I just confirmed that it's probably the very beginnings of an upper Respiratory Infection so I turned the temp up and I'm going to call a Vet and see if I can get Batril for her.

Any other advice would be great!!!

11-21-04, 06:54 AM
Hey, I think ur humidity levels are too high. Argentines are just like BCI's/BCO's. They need 50%-60% humidity. Only go up to 70% during shed.

11-21-04, 04:20 PM
Really, I was told when I had them at 50-60 that they needed to be higher. I've already stopped misting for the moment and I turned up the cage temp to between 90 and 95 durring the day.

Thanks for the input!!!

11-22-04, 11:21 AM
I just took her to a vet and she just got her first shot of Baytril and it is an Upper Respiratory Infection.
Hopefully she'll be alright!!!

11-22-04, 01:15 PM
Originally posted by CARLiTO_
Argentines are just like BCI's/BCO's.

Argentines aren't like Bco, they <i>are</i> Bco ;)