View Full Version : NO!! my lizzie....

11-20-04, 11:02 PM
I am going to be getting a beardie soon for my fifty gal. terrarium. However, currently residing in it is my brown anole--from tip to tail, a three inch long absolutely gorgeous baby male. He is dark mottled brown in coloration with a cream stripe running down his back, delicate black patterning, and a shockingly white throat with dark dotted lines running down it. He loves it in the fifty, though he mainly stays in the right-hand half of it beneath the UV light.

My problem?

Well, in order to get my beardie, I have to get rid of my anole. At first, it was gonna be easy--if anything, he was a nuisance that I didn't have room for. But the longer I've had him, the more he's grown on me--and now I can't stand to part with him!!! He's my BABY!!! But I can't have another cage in my room. And I want that beardie. But I don't wanna get rid of him. Especially not to some stranger who probably won't know diddly-squat and keep him in a stupid 5 gal. without a light and forget to feed him and and and and....I think I'm gonna cry WAAAAAAAAH!!!!

anybody got ANY ideas on how I could possibly might be able to just maybe I hope I hope keep him?

Manitoban Herps
11-21-04, 12:23 AM
I have a better idea.

Lets say don't get the beardie. Instead make a beautiful 50 gallon home for your little guy. Get live plants, a large waterdish witha fogger, and a waterfall. Add some more brown and green anoles, and possibly some gray or green treefrogs, long tail grass lizards, house geckos and small day geckos.

You can make a beautiful enclosure :)

No offence to you, but that is crap, I got a lizard but I am going to get rid of it b/c I like this one better. Thats just like your parents having another child and they like him better then you sow the abandon you. But you want to keep him which is good, so YOU have to figure out what you are going to do.

Question, why did you buy this brown anole?

11-21-04, 12:27 AM
Wait until your ready to get the beardy. Dont rush into things, causs I can tell you, you will regret it later.

11-21-04, 11:51 AM
Manitoban--I DIDN"T buy the brown anole, it was given to me by my uncle in Florida. The only reason I have to get rid of it is because I'm being forced to by my mom, otherwise I would most certainly keep it in another terrarium; I have a 30 that might work and I would happily keep him in it if weren't for the fact that, because I'm living in my mom's house, I also have to live by her rules. But I do get what you're saying; I never really thought about it that way, and I apologize. I've been saving up for a beardie for a long time now, buying needed supplies and doing research, comparing care sheets on the internet to get the best possible info. But now that I AM thinking about it that way I do believe that you suggestion is probably the better way to go. Maybe I'll get a beardie sometime in the future; but for now, I think I'll probably go with your advice.

Thankyou VERY much for setting me straight!!!

Manitoban Herps
11-21-04, 01:27 PM
Good luck :)