View Full Version : How long do you give them?
11-19-04, 06:18 PM
12 small goldfish + 5'' Piranha = 3 days?
What do you guys think:) Haha
I never thought I'd be so into fish! They are definately cool pets.
11-21-04, 02:33 AM
7 Left!
Plus a few heads!
11-26-04, 06:52 PM
Hi Boid,
Just do ya know, from feedback, feeder fish aren't the best diet, since feeders can harbor internal paracites, worms, ich can be brought out ect.
11-26-04, 09:18 PM
It is also considered cruel to live feed. There are high protein piranha foods on the market.
11-26-04, 11:35 PM
Try telling that o my RBP.
He wont take anything but.
But it isnt considered cruel us to feed live mice to reptiles?
The snakes kill the food before they eat it (and very quickly at that), being eaten alive chunk by chunk isn't exactly the same...on a side note, I feed my snakes dead food, not live, and you should consider the same.
Manitoban Herps
11-26-04, 11:40 PM
or feeding crickets too a lizard, it happens in nature so I don't think it is cruel.
11-26-04, 11:44 PM
Yeah I am sorry but my heart goes out to those poor little gold fish. You should be a shamed of yourself.
Oh josh that was a joke, maybe I just don't have a heart. I raise rats and then feed them to my snakes live, sometimes I even pet them and play with them and then drop them in with the boa and if they can run through his hide and come out alive I put them back and they can live till the next feeding.
I look at it this way, I am getting rid of one smelly f**ker and feeding my snake.
Ahhh Im with Boids on this.. I see nothing wrong with feeding live prey...
I go through 100+ live rosy reds for my ally snapper every 10 days... he appreciates the hunt.. allows him to use his "lure" and act like he would in the wild... (he doesnt use it in the absense of live food)
The main reason I dont feed live to my snakes is the fact that the rats can hurt the snake...
11-27-04, 08:16 AM
I'm not going to debate the issue of live feeding because it is your decision. But I would like to mention that captive animals hardly live a "natural" life so using "it happens in nature" is not really convincing.
11-27-04, 09:28 AM
Andy where did I say I feed live mice or rats to anything?
Considering all I have right now is a RBP.
Please, let me do my thing, and you do yours.
There is a local petstore (where I got him) that specializes in Saltwater. They feed there Volitian Lions, and all there Eels live. I have seen it many times. So, go give them a chat too if you seriously think its so wrong.
PS: My post in no way, is aggreeing to feeding live prey to REPTILES.
Ah I didnt say "it happens in nature" but in the case of my ally snapper, it brings out natural habits it would do in the wild that it would not do in captivity in the absense of live food.. thats all :D
To each their own :)
11-27-04, 10:02 AM
I feed pre-killed mice , rats and rabbits to all my reptiles but i dont see nothing wrong in feeding live goldfish to other fish or turtles and stuff. I have a big pond in my reptile room and i trow in about 50 golfish a week for my turtles (also makes it easy to get goldfish for my salvator) in addition to the gold fish i also give then collards and pellets everyday. If you guys think its cruel or wrong to feed live goldfish id like to hear what you have to say about live crix and worms...lucas
11-29-04, 12:45 PM
Even though it is fun to feed piranha feeders, the basic commet (after some time) can affect the production of vitamin B in the fish. Ontop of that, unless they are gut loaded before hand, they really have little nutritional value to them. And there is always the risk of catching a disease.
Try to vary its diet. Red bellies can easily take shrimp and other frozen fish (which is more convient, healthier, aids in color enhancement, and cheaper). It make take a few days of starving, but in the end you'll have a very healthy, big nattereri :)
I curious how many days did they last
11-29-04, 06:31 PM
Hmmm as i stated, he wont take anything BUT.
Thanks though,
PS - They lasted 3 days.
11-29-04, 06:32 PM
11-29-04, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by smallball
Yeah I am sorry but my heart goes out to those poor little gold fish. You should be a shamed of yourself.
Oh josh that was a joke, maybe I just don't have a heart. I raise rats and then feed them to my snakes live, sometimes I even pet them and play with them and then drop them in with the boa and if they can run through his hide and come out alive I put them back and they can live till the next feeding.
I look at it this way, I am getting rid of one smelly f**ker and feeding my snake.
You have problems..
12-01-04, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by BoidsUnlimited
Hmmm as i stated, he wont take anything BUT.
Since its a solitary, starving should be no problem. I've gone as far as 3 weeks to switch off of live (on a healthy fish). In the end its much more benificial.
wait a ticky...i thought fish lacked nervous systems? thought that was why alot of vegitarians dont mind eating fish...No nervous system, no pain.
could be wrong though?
12-01-04, 02:06 PM
Good point!
Although I dont know if its true, but yell at them fishermen who hook live minows. And gut fish right on the spot.
12-01-04, 02:20 PM
Just wondering... What do piranahs eat in the wild? Other live fish?
Also... A lot of other animals are cruel when they eat their prey. Look at lions for example. They eat buffalos while it's alive, slowly and painfully too. A couple lions hold it down and the others just eat at it. (I saw this on the Discovery Channel.. ;;>>)
I think it's perfectly fine to feed live fish.
3 days?.. >XD
12-01-04, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by SadisticPsycho
Just wondering... What do piranahs eat in the wild? Other live fish?
Depends on the species. There is a type of piranha that is a fruit and seed eater (denticulata). Pygocentrus are scavangers, Preying on the weak, sick, and dying. Rarely will they go after healthy prey (uless in an aquariun setting). Serresalmus are known to be fin and scale eaters.
12-01-04, 04:29 PM
Originally posted by Kimo
wait a ticky...i thought fish lacked nervous systems? thought that was why alot of vegitarians dont mind eating fish...No nervous system, no pain.
Umm ... no.
could be wrong though?
Fishes do have a nervous system. I quite complex nervous system. However some people believe they have very short memories so if you were to inflict pain upon a fish, it might forget quickly. Human babies also forget pain quickly.
The reason vegetarians don't eat fish is that in the Bible, a fish is not considered an animal. Therefore, eating fish is still considered a "clean" diet: fish on Fridays, fasting, etc. Fish also does not have the same "negative" effect on the body as red meat. People who are vegetarians because of animal welfare do not eat fish because fishes can feel pain.
12-01-04, 04:41 PM
I just wanted to make a comment and no one has to agree.
The general opinion in the freshwater fish community is that piranha are an unattractive fish that are incredibly boring to keep and watch. They spend most of the time motionless or hidden in the plants and have very little colour. Bear in mind the number of designer freshwater fishes and the number of exotic fishes in the trade. Therefore, the opinion is that people keep piranha for the sole purpose of their feeding behaviour; watching it tear other fishes apart. Many of the other fishes in the family (Characidae - tetras) are very beautiful; much more so than piranha.
I don't know if things have changed. About 15 years ago people only bought them to kill stuff (including newts, frogs, mice, fishes - you name it.)
12-02-04, 07:21 AM
Hmmm not true in my case.
I have a pleco in with him as well.
I also have previously kept Danios, Tetra, Oscars, Catfish, Goldfish, Loaches, and Silver Dollars.
12-02-04, 04:36 PM
I guess I am one of the few people that finds piranha to be somewhat attractive. Feeding them is somewhat boring, being that I only fed them prepared foods.
A nice piraya with orange yellow "flames" running up its sides, or a geryi with its violet strip running from head to tail. Man... I almost want to get back into piranhas :(
12-02-04, 08:00 PM
Originally posted by homebrewed . Man... I almost want to get back into piranhas :( [/B]
Oh I gotta say that I think Red Breasted's are BEAUTIFUL! Esp when they get older and larger.. they are GEORGEOUS!!! esp with their flecks of reflecting gold.... MMM.. I used to have 6 a long time ago...
One day ... I will get back into them
12-02-04, 08:08 PM
I had 5 when I was a kid. I put them with my old goldfish that I hated so that they would eat it. I hated the fish because it killed every other fish I added to the tank. Funny thing was, that goldfish killed all 5 piranhas and devoured 3.
Okay, don't criticise me for keeping a goldfish with tropical fishes. I was a kid and didn't know any better :(
Originally posted by BoidsUnlimited
But it isnt considered cruel us to feed live mice to reptiles?
What did you mean by that statement? What I got out of it is that you feed live but I honestly wasn't 100% sure on exactly what that statement meant. No offense intended and sorry for the misunderstanding.
12-02-04, 08:28 PM
Im not gonna look back, but someone said I was wrong for feeding live feeders to my Piranha.
But I read threads of people feeding live rodents to their snakes. This may be because the snake wont take anything else, as in this case with my Piranha.
PS - I dont have any reptiles right now, gimme a month or so :D
Ah, now I understand. You should PM me with what you plan on getting! :D
12-03-04, 07:20 AM
Yep yep!
Check you PM
VI Reptiles
01-18-05, 04:21 PM
I saw a show on the discovery channel where a yellow anaconda was swimming accross a small river and piranas started attacking it and killed it in a matter of minutes. There was a group so Im guessing it was the red breasted piranah. You could set up a huge aquarium and have 100 piranas in it and throw a cow in and they would kill it. Maybe not right away but in a couple minutes.
Jason Wakelin
01-18-05, 05:13 PM
Are you a troll, an idiot, or just 4 years old? I try not to get into these "wars" as I strongly feel both sides have a "point", but your comments are whack.
01-19-05, 09:29 AM
Originally posted by VI Reptiles
I saw a show on the discovery channel where a yellow anaconda was swimming accross a small river and piranas started attacking it and killed it in a matter of minutes. There was a group so Im guessing it was the red breasted piranah. You could set up a huge aquarium and have 100 piranas in it and throw a cow in and they would kill it. Maybe not right away but in a couple minutes.
Even though a large group of piranhas are scavengers more than half the time...and when they do attack...the animal is wounded...or they are starving.
Wow....speechless truthfully? :rolleyes:
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