View Full Version : Argentine Boa

11-19-04, 05:23 PM
Here are some new pics, what do you think?
I looked at a few Argie adults and sub adults, but decided to take some advise and get a young argie.



11-20-04, 12:04 PM
Pics don't show up for me...

11-20-04, 02:32 PM
Nice snake! Beautifully marked with neat tail. Lots of pink. Male or female?
How old is this snake, and at what age do they get their adult colouration?
I'm planning to pick up a pair this week. Can't wait.
Just love those Argies!

11-20-04, 02:35 PM
Both are females and they are 04's, I'm not sure at what age does the colors come in. I am new to Argies as well, I believe between 1-2 years you get a better idea on colors.

11-20-04, 02:46 PM
Sorry, my mistake. I thought I was looking at the same snake from two different angles. In that case, they are both really good looking girls.
Enjoy them. I'm sure you will.

11-20-04, 09:39 PM
Very good looking little beasts... Consider yourself lucky they're not illegal where you are!!! I'll get one for sure, but when will there be any legal ones in canada??? Very nice looking girls, Ssscales!


11-21-04, 01:03 PM
Very nice looking Argentines. Hows the temperment. Thinking about getting one next year. Currently i have two colombian
red tails and one dumerils. And all three are very tame. I love the way argentines look, but i want a docile one. Anyway good luck with your new babies.

11-21-04, 01:31 PM
Haven't gotten them yet, I'll let you know on Tuesday. I expect they will be hissy, but I'm sure with regular handling they will calm down with time. I got a pair of Hogs about 3 weeks ago and heard they were also feisty. After 3 weeks of handling, I have not heard a hiss or seen any attempt to strike. We'll see how these Argies are in a few days.

11-24-04, 10:21 AM
Well, I got these girls yesterday. Very nice! One of them did not hiss and was very calm. The other seemed possesed hissing, striking, gaping mouth. I'm sure with time they will settle down.

Any suggestion on a good care sheet specifically for Argies? Everything I've seen so far is very generic for Boas.

11-24-04, 12:10 PM
Their care is the same as other boas, just slightly cooler temps (instead of 88-90 warm side, it's 86-88) although it isn't really necessary.

11-24-04, 06:23 PM
I have them now at 85-86F warm side, 79-80F cooler side. Humidity is at 55-60.