View Full Version : Anyone keep Fish?
11-19-04, 12:46 AM
I myself, am the PROUD owner of a very cool, and hungry Red Belly Piranha and a neat little Pleco.
I have a 10 gallon setup. I went to Wal-Mart and bought the Ready-To-Go kit. I figured it would be the easiest.
I plan on buying a 100 gallon OR picking up the 55 Gallon RTG kit and the extra stand next month. Then I could buy more RBPs and add a larger Pleco to the tank.
If youd like, I could show you my simple, but working tank:) Just ask and I'll go take some pictures!
PS - If you own fish I'd love to see them!
Try going to our sister site at Also, this belongs in that forum, so it's been moved there...
11-19-04, 12:58 AM
I'm not all huge into them like I am with my reptiles maybe ill check it out tomorrow.
I have discus,various schools of tetra, catfish, some rare plecos, angels, an arrowana, freshwater stingray and many more.
11-26-04, 07:02 PM
I keep a 55 reef tank. It houses soft corals. It has 220 watts on it. I keep mainly leather corals, if you want to run a search on them. In it, I keep for fish :
1 maroon clown
1 red scooter blenny
1 algea blenny
1 cleaner shrimp
1 fire shrimp
1 queen conch
1 "devils hand"
1 finger leather
various mushroom species
1 green nemphia
1 cabbage leather
25 hermits
15 snails
i think thats it.
(algea not included :( )
11-26-04, 07:24 PM
I have a 10g FW tank and a 10g SW tank.
I'm hoping to get a 240g tank within the next month or two, and I may get a couple 55g tanks too.
I'll add livestock later, when I can come up with a list :p
i had a great tank that got turned into a crappy one. in the old tank i had a pair of albino oscars (too young to breed) a 2 foot african lung fish, a rhino pleco and an apple snail. i loved them so much, especialy the lung fish witch i named daniel higgs (singer of the band lungfish) the lungfish went to my friend at work, the oscars went to a very sweet lady who was dieing for some, she also took the giant snail. and the pleco is still for sale at my work.
now the stupid crap tank has 6 gold fish that was in the pond (it wasn't deep enough to keep them in there all winter) and a few snails i threw in there for algea and i HOPE they multiply because my 5 turtles love to eat the babies.
i'v also had a few bettas and a mudskipper.
Manitoban Herps
11-26-04, 10:01 PM
We have a 55 gallon, with an oscar, upsided down cat and a pleco.
I used to be big in fish....had the following.....:
0.0.2 Weather Loaches
0.0.4 Clown Loaches
0.0.2 Skunk Loaches
0.0.1 Yo-Yo Loach
0.0.1 African Knife Fish
0.0.1 Clown Knife Fish
0.0.7 Bala Sharks
0.0.2 Red Tail Sharks
0.0.4 Black Sharks
0.0.3 Colombian Sharks
0.0.1 Iridescent Shark
0.0.4 African Chiclids(sp?..too
0.0.3 Plecos
0.0.1 Red Belly Piranha
0.0.8 Angels
0.0.1 Bushy Nose Pleco
0.0.2 Rams
Tons more..can't rememebr them all..but I really enjoyed them...gonna get back in the hobby soon!
11-27-04, 10:10 AM
i dont keep fish anymore, but i've had various schools of barbs, swordtails, fancy guppies, goldfish and carp, butterfly and albino zebra danios, blue nile catfish, knifefish, irredescent sharks, an eel, some clawed frogs, crayfish, snails and plecos.
11-27-04, 10:11 AM
oh yeah, and betas (still have one)
I have 1 gigantic cat fish 12" long and bunch of guppies that reproduce to feed my aquatic turtles
11-27-04, 11:54 PM
I only have some 200 gal display salt water aquariums that are in the walls dividing the livingroom from 2 other rooms. I love the set up as it looks like living art. Before that I was breeding fresh water Discus fish in the 90's for all of North America, all the high end Hong Kong lines and the US lines as well.
Still miss the Discus but salt water is beautiful as well.
Tony pharosx
11-29-04, 12:39 PM
I've got a bit of a collection.
Its actually my main hobby
tanks anything from 10-200 gallons
3 ponds, 1 indoor 2 outdoor
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