View Full Version : My Red Belly Piranha

11-18-04, 10:13 PM
This guy is GREAT! I have him house in a 10 gallon with a Plecostomas. He ate the Oscar I had in with him that was just a tad bit smaller. Talk about an expensive meal!

I hope this works, if not, can someone email me a program to resize the picture?

11-18-04, 10:27 PM
You can use the stretch/skew option in paint to resize pics.

11-18-04, 10:41 PM
Here we go

11-18-04, 10:58 PM
wow koo lookin fish iv always wanted paranhas. where did u get him?

11-18-04, 11:07 PM
A local petshop.

They specialize in Saltwater fish and have a VERY nice, and healthy selection of Freshwater as well.

If you do want to get some, I would recommend either one, and if you want more, 3 or more. Two will probably just fight, 3 or more will do fine if they are offered enough room.

I will try and get a better picture of him/her, since it has gotten a tad bit bigger. Maybe tomorrow when I do a full water change.

11-19-04, 12:26 AM
Cool, I keep Tetras myself but Pirhanas are cool too.

Not to harp, but you do know that both the pleco and the pirhana not to mention the recently departed oscar will quickly far outgrow a 10 gallon tank right? Oscars from what I understand need about a 50 gallon if they're alone. Depending on the species of Pleco it could reach 20" or more in length.

Cool pic though.

Edit: Just some info and a site i've found very useful for aquarium stuff myself.


11-19-04, 12:34 AM
aquariacentral is a very good site....and you'll soon find yourself sucked into saltwater like I was

I actually went from saltwater into reptiles....I no longer keep the fish...I only have a 125 w/ SA cichlids in it (much like the oscar that your pirhana ate)


have fun

11-19-04, 12:40 AM
Yep well aware of it Slannesh:) I read as much as possible before getting ANYTHING! Even something that seems as simple as freshwater aquaria, which infact, isnt as simple as it may seem.

I plan on buying a 100-125 gallon, and getting 2 or 3 more Red Belly Piranha for it.

11-19-04, 01:20 AM
cool lookin fish! just curious though, why did you leave the oscar in w/ a fish you knew was going to attack, kill, and eat??

11-19-04, 01:28 AM
Didnt know, was told it would be fine because it was almost the same size.

Im not too worried about it though....Id rather just keep Piranha instead.

11-19-04, 01:35 AM
Im not too worried about it though....Id rather just keep Piranha instead

hmm ok...so let one pet die, because you got a cooler one? Whateva floats ya boat.

11-19-04, 01:47 AM
And that post made you think that I thought the one was cooler and that I didnt care?

Your quite funny my "friend."

11-19-04, 02:08 AM
actually no...it wasn't the post. It was fact of putting them together, knowing that it would probably kill it. Maybe you don't read as much as you think you do.

11-19-04, 02:13 AM
..just for the record. I wasn't trying to start an argument with ya. Although, when I read your first post, I thought to myself "why would he put them together, obviously it was going to attack and kill it." Seems to me that you just wanted to see your new pet kill and eat something. Which normally is all good, but since it was a pet prior to this one...just seems kinda wrong.

11-19-04, 02:23 AM

11-19-04, 10:53 AM
Check out sSnakeSs sister site...

allthingsaquatic.com (www.allthingsaquatic.com)

11-19-04, 12:08 PM
dude, his post said he didn't know

I have been in the fish keeping hobby for many years and sometimes things happen, for examply, simply adding a jack dempsey female to my tank with my male caused them to spawn and they killed an oscar larger than them that had been there a long time....things happen

anyways...boids, you'll find that a "pack" of pirhanas will be happier than a solo one...I'd recommend acquiring the tank asap and then the other pirhanas asap as well (after the tank, of course)...only bad thing about pirhanas is that they like a less lit tank than most fish so it always looks kind of dark, bu tI like that sort of look

11-19-04, 12:35 PM
Fish are funny like that... many species get along quite well and people have been keeping seemingly 'bad' combinations together for decades. And to be honest i'm sorta surprised that it was the pirhana eating the oscar instead of the other way around :)

Anyhow, I don't have the space for huge fishtanks so I keep Tetras for the most part. In fact the only reason I commented on the potential size of the fish is that many people aren't told how big they're going to get nor what the space requirements are... Oscars seem to be the Green Iguanas of the fish world unfortunately.

Good luck with your Pirhana though! Very cool fish...

Edit: Totally forgot about allthingsaquatic.com :) D'oh.

Nice to see it's grown a lot from when I first checked it out though!

11-19-04, 06:03 PM
Hey Latazo how many would be good in a nice 55 setup? I was thinking 3 or 4 for a year or two would be good.

11-19-04, 06:27 PM
2 pirannah would outgrow the 55 in about 8-10 months I'd say. They grow really fast!!! and if you want them to stay looking cool you want to make sure they have there larger tank soon. Otherwise if they don't they will start to get deformed.

11-21-04, 07:49 PM
Originally posted by corr
Check out sSnakeSs sister site...

allthingsaquatic.com (www.allthingsaquatic.com)

that is dope!! ive never heard of this site. i used to be really into malawi cichlids before i got back into snakes. wish i would have found this site back then!

Manitoban Herps
11-21-04, 10:07 PM
I used to have a red belly, I sold him to a pet store though...I used to be a big fish junkie...

He was huge!....

12-11-04, 01:09 AM
yeah fish are funny. i have 2 Oscars in a 170, i had a few JD's and a large irr shark ing there. been in there for about 8 months all fine... then i came home one day and all that was left was the two oscars:P i have a large pleco in there right now... i dont think theyll go after that

12-11-04, 11:00 AM
Yeah my Piranha doesnt bother my pleco!

ps - any pics of your rhino iggy! I LOVE THEM

12-11-04, 03:50 PM
no sorry no pics. hes actually liveing with my aint right now... my landlord wont let me get another huge enclosure in here:P plus honestly i just dont have the room lol. so hes in victoria with my aunt

12-11-04, 09:42 PM
I had a 1' 3" Clown Knife with a regected gold fish for about 3 months. Then my heater died along with the knife.

Is the rhino a Cyclura or the rhino ssp of Iguana?

12-12-04, 06:21 PM
Cyclura most likely

12-13-04, 12:05 PM
boids they have very interesting behavior when given the space to have more of them...I think you'll find that you'll end up spending more money and time if you keep slowly upgrading, i.e. from 10 to 55 to 125 to 220, etc...if you're around a large city there's no reason you can't find a used 125 for $250 or less...I get mine from Minneapolis for dirt cheap when I"m in the market

12-14-04, 11:01 AM
A few years ago I 'babysat' my neighbour's son's pihanha while he was away at college. There were 3 of them and each was larger than my hand. A 6" plecostomas lived with them as well. I couldn't believe it one day when I came home to find they had eaten the plecostomas!! Just his head remained. These same fish had lived together for several years. Go figure.

12-16-04, 09:16 AM
Originally posted by latazyo
boids they have very interesting behavior when given the space to have more of them...I think you'll find that you'll end up spending more money and time if you keep slowly upgrading, i.e. from 10 to 55 to 125 to 220, etc...if you're around a large city there's no reason you can't find a used 125 for $250 or less...I get mine from Minneapolis for dirt cheap when I"m in the market

Probably, but I will eventually find use for the 55, 125, etc etc.