View Full Version : Leo dropped its tail

11-16-04, 09:25 AM
Hey guys, it's been a while since I've been by here but I have a quick question. Chris and I put two of our female Leos together in a 20 gallong long tank about two weeks ago. They are siblings and they got along just fine for the two weeks but last night Chris found Gimlet with no tail. :(:( I've never had this happen in the 4 years I've been keeping Leos so I can't really remember if we need to do anything special. How should we treat her to be sure the tail grows back as normal looking as possible and that she stays healthy. We have separated her to a clean tank with paper towel as a substrate. On another note, any idea why they would fight after getting along fine the first couple weeks? They are both full grown.

11-16-04, 08:39 PM
Well, its possible that you sexed both of them wrong and that they were both males, in which case gimlet lost a teritorial fight. Another reason might have been the other female thought Gimlet's tale was a tasty worm and grabbed it. Make sure she has a humid hide, and feed her very well, she needs the extra fat to regrow the tale, dont' let her have contact with other geckos untill its a least 75% back.

11-17-04, 09:28 AM
THanks for the advice. They are definitely both female.

11-17-04, 06:40 PM
Cool, good luck, she should recover fairly fast as long as you keep a humid hide and a lot of food