View Full Version : A few pics to kick things off :)

04-01-02, 12:20 AM
Thought I would post a few pics to kick things off in here :)

Pedis, my 5" fire millipede (until 2 months ago was half of a pair :( )

<img src="http://gallery.insecthobbyist.com/data/85pedis2.jpg">

these guys are too hard to photograph...lol... on the left is a colony of 40 common? millipedes, and the right is Pendulum, a tiger moth (originally a woolly bear caterpillar I found last fall)...he's the little orange guy on the wall of the giant jar...

<img src="http://gallery.insecthobbyist.com/data/85ta_pen.jpg">

oh!... and those two rocks in the middle are my pet frogs :)

and another of Pedis for the road :)

<img src="http://gallery.insecthobbyist.com/data/85pedis_arm.jpg">

Hopefully in the not-too-distant future (though I doubt it will be til past summer :( ) I hope to aquire a few Giant African Land snails, and a desert hairy scorpion :D

04-01-02, 02:04 AM
A five inch Pedis ... oooh ya gotta be careful pronouncing that one.

04-01-02, 02:32 AM
ive been busted! lol ;)

04-01-02, 05:05 AM

04-01-02, 08:05 AM
I think I spotted...way to funny...

04-02-02, 10:43 PM
wow! that mili has a beautiful colour!!! I didn't think they got that big either!

04-03-02, 12:20 AM
I've seen some that look like yours but all black, they didn't really caught my attention. Those red one are so nice, way better looking!

Those aren't venimous rigth? It's the kind with really long leg, centipede (or something like that) that are venimous?

04-03-02, 12:38 AM
Hey Jez,
I know that mili's can excrete cyanide which can irritate the skin but I'm not sure if they all do and if the ones that can do it, do, do it....:confused: I hope that makes sense!lol

04-11-02, 12:47 AM
thanks! yeah he is quite the bright bug :)

centipedes are the ones that you have to worry about. but yes all millipedes can excrete and irritant of sorts. some do, some dont, its no worry as long as you wash it off and dont get it in your eyes :) sometimes it may stain your skin temporarily as well, im lucky mine have never felt the need to do so :D