View Full Version : African Land Snails?

11-15-04, 02:25 AM
Sorry, wasn't sure where to post this.

I am curious if someone can tell me if these guys are legal in Canada or not, and where they can be aquired if legal?

Thanks in advance!


11-15-04, 02:29 AM
They're illegal. It's pretty sad, though...

11-15-04, 02:42 AM
Aww...too bad, they look so cute :p Thanks!


11-15-04, 07:50 AM
They are banned Federally by Agriculture Canada along with tropical roaches (Brazilian, Hissers, Giants, etc.), stick insects (Indian, Australian, etc) and a few other foreign insects that could pose a threat to our natural resources.
I believe it is possible to obtain a permit to keep banned species for educational purposes, but I'm not sure what the terms are with this. For anyone seriously interested, I suggest contacting Ag. Canada to inquire further.

11-15-04, 02:54 PM
Thanks Jon! I will look into that :)


12-04-04, 12:06 AM
Do you have a link about the legality of giant snails? I realized they are banned in the US but thought they were alright in Canada. I actually had an Achatina achatina about two years ago that was given to me by a ministry fellow. Were they illegal then as well?


12-04-04, 12:08 AM
Cam, there are a couple links somewhere on the site, i'll have a look for you and see if I can dig them up.. As far as I was told, they're illegal all throughout North America... You still see people selling em in the classifieds though...


12-04-04, 12:09 AM
Here ya go, hopefully this will help..


12-04-04, 12:11 AM
Achatina fulica(East African Land Snail), Achatina marginata (West African Land Snails), Achatina achatina (Tiger Snails) are all illegal in The US and Canada due to the fact that they are a seriously destructive agricultural pest and can even survive Canadian winters through some sort of hibernation.

Fun Fact about our slimy little friends: "In 1966, a Miami, FL, boy smuggled three giant African snails into south Florida upon returning from a trip to Hawaii. His grandmother eventually released the snails into her garden. Seven years later, more than 18,000 snails had been found along with scores of eggs. The Florida State eradication program took 10 years at a cost of $1 million." - APHIS.


12-04-04, 12:29 AM
I have a couple balls of calcium. Anyone got any squealing giant woodmites? Haha.


PS - That is the code.

12-04-04, 09:52 PM
I see... well I just won't talk about them anymore.;)

12-14-04, 11:12 AM
hey i have a bunch of land snails ill give you some if you want them. i live in scarbrough, i can probibly get them to the next show if my brother will drive me.

Kyle Barker
12-16-04, 01:11 AM
i just go by "everything (bugs) that eat vegetation is banned/illegal". lots of exceptions but in general in canada that seems to be the norm.

VI Reptiles
01-05-05, 07:57 PM
Thats wierd because I walked into a petstore and they were selling stick instects for $5.00 each as well as hissing roaches for .20 cents each. Should I report them? I was gonna buy some but maybe I shouldnt?


01-05-05, 08:07 PM
yeah they still sell them - I would just plead ignorance if I was busted - well blah blah is selling them - how can I buy them from blah blah if they are illegal however I`m sure there isn`t too many raids for snails and stick bugs -

01-05-05, 08:38 PM
Pleading ignorance will heed backlash nonetheless.

Kyle Barker
01-05-05, 09:56 PM
ya lots of places sell them. most pet shops in vancouver do.

teh authorities dotn seem to care much about stick bugs and that. but they do care about roaches and probably snails.

all i gotta say is dont bother reporting them unless its creatures great and small :)

Tim and Julie B
01-05-05, 10:09 PM
Everyone has snails, stick bugs millipedes etc. anyways and openly sell them and I haven't heard about a single complaint. How would a tropical insect survive anyways. They worry about those but release mantids to control pest so go figure. Why even complain about it? If you think the Agriculture Canada SWAT team is going to kick in your door or bust you in an undercover sting, don't buy them. But as long as you don't knowingly release them what's the harm.:medbee:TB

01-06-05, 12:06 AM
Yeah frankly I don't care all that much either. I have 3 Giant african land snails and a half dozen millipedes.... and the roaches. Meh.


Kyle Barker
01-06-05, 11:58 PM
i totalyl agree. but they are illegal never the less and can give you trouble if they so wish.

would depend on teh type of tropical bug....keep in mind some places in canada rarely hit 0 (aimed at many species of roch)