View Full Version : Hog info

11-14-04, 11:21 PM
I have always wanted a western hognose. Before I get one can anyone out there answer some questions I was wondering what their temperment is like and I heard they dont do well on rodent diets. any info would help

11-14-04, 11:47 PM
in the wild hognose eats frogs.... but bread in capitivity hognose are fed mice... normally at least... just make sure you get one that is fed mice... temperment really depends on the snake but i dont believe they strike much... what cool is they flare there neck like a cobra.. i just read on one site that there pretty gentle and easily handled


they are rear rang poisioness but ive been told its just like a bee sting... some sites say to feed frozen thawed mice( make sure you completely thaw) and some say to feed live... they dont get large 18-24".... and a 10 gallon is supposedly fine but i would suggest a larger one... hide boxes are a must with mostly any snake
if theres anything else let me know if i can help... i dont own one nor am i an expert but ive been reasearching them for a while....

if you want soething larger try a corn, king or milk snake.... personally ive changed my mind like 1000 times so be sure of what you want... i might end up getting a childrens python... good luck

11-15-04, 12:00 AM
Originally posted by Katrina
I have always wanted a western hognose. Before I get one can anyone out there answer some questions I was wondering what their temperment is like and I heard they dont do well on rodent diets.

You likely heard that Easterns don't do well on rodent diets, which is true. Easterns are very difficult to get feeding on rodents, and even if you succeed there's mounting evidence suggesting that their longevity is seriously reduced. However, with Westerns, quite the opposite is true. They readily take rodents (sometimes scenting is required) and will live out a long, healthy life on a diet entirely comprised of rodents (rodents make up a large portion of their natural diet, not so with Easterns).
Every Western I have owned has had a terrific temperament. They might hiss occasionally but it is all bluff. The worst anyone usually sees from these guys is a closed-mouth, poorly aimed strike.

11-15-04, 10:45 AM
Thanks for all the info

11-15-04, 05:14 PM
yeah western hognoses are great and they will readily take mice it's the easterns that will not. Usually they have wonderful temperments and as far as their venom goes I've heard they don't really want to bite, they will hiss, puff up, and play dead first and if they do bite they have to really chew on you to get any venom in and then I've heard most people don't have a reaction to it but it is something to keep in mind.

11-15-04, 09:11 PM
I see that you are from Ontario. I would like to point out that eastern hognoses are not legal to keep, breed or sell within this province as they are native and protected. Westerns are fine.

Edit: I realize that you were inquiring about westerns, but easterns were brought into the discussion so I thought I would point out the legalities.

11-15-04, 11:25 PM
She said western hognose. But thanks for letting us all know.