View Full Version : A ranking list

10-24-02, 12:59 PM
Is there a list that basically deteremends how poisionous or venomous animals are?

1 Walk it off
2 Get to the doc quick!
3 It was nice knowing ya!

1 Stick a bandaid on it and shut up!
2 Ohh that is gonna leave a mark!
3 Get to the doc quick!
4 Would you rather see a Doctor or a Priest?
5 Say hi to St Peter for me!

I just figured when you post a pic of your latest creepy crawly it would be cool to know just how deadly it is. The term HOT is very vague.

10-24-02, 01:05 PM
I'm sitting here at work giggling about this

heh heh
great idea!

10-24-02, 01:08 PM

Bryan Self
10-24-02, 01:18 PM
Thats bad, but funny.

10-24-02, 01:21 PM
TY :)

10-24-02, 01:55 PM
on the serious side, checking the toxicity level of your hope to be aquired hots is always good. The easiest method is to check the LD50 tables. With at little figuring of weights, venom capacities, probable delivery quantities you can determine how lethal an animal is. As always, knowing what venin banks keep serum for your particular species and allowing the hospital to know what potential venoms you could be envenomated with can be a big help.

10-24-02, 02:04 PM
sheesh not as fun as my idea LoL but thanks for the info :)