View Full Version : Protein Powder

11-10-04, 09:06 PM
Hey guys...

I'm going to be revamping my mealworm colony this weekend, and I'd like to toss some protein powder into the mix. I know some people use it in their mixes and I was just wondering how much is usually used, and what kind is best. I should be heading to the Bulk Barn and Wal-Mart this weekend, is there anything cheap but of relatively good quality at any of those places?

Also, is there anything I should watch out for?

Heather :D

11-10-04, 10:17 PM
I would go with just regular, unflavoured whey powder. I get all my supplements at fitness or health stores, so I'm not sure what those places would have in the way of those. My recommendation is just to give the ingredients a good read and try to keep it simple ;) I'd avoid any soy products, as now studies are recently showing that it may indeed prevent absorption of essential minerals, and there was even a study in Europe I recall in where it was possibly linked to cancer.

11-10-04, 10:30 PM
Alrighty, will do Linds, thanks...how much am I looking at, price-wise? I've never given so much as a glace to protein powders :p

Ahh...soy is the new coffee. It's bad for you, then it's good for you, then it causes cancer. *sigh* I'll just err on the side of caution and avoid it. :p

11-11-04, 12:22 AM
Honestly, I have no idea how much smaller quanties or low grade stuff goes for. I buy a 5lb bucket of mid-grade protein powder at a time, and it runs me $50 + tax (which is actually quite cheap compared to some of the identical competitors). The crap Mike uses is triple the price of mine. One of the main determints in pricing is how many grams of protein per serving, and how efficiently it is used by your body. I wouldn't think any of that would really matter though, as it is simply being used as a component of worm food :p If it were me, I would just scoop up the cheapest kind I could find, that had the least amount of additional ingredients (favourings, etc.) :flick: