View Full Version : A stupid but serious question
Would you say it's possible for a water monitor to build some kind of relationship with a cricket, because there was a house cricket that had been living in his tank for a few months that hadn't been eaten, then i put in a plate full off chopped chick and a few rat-pups and the cricket came out and began to feed on it, anyway next morning there was no food left and no sign of the cricket bar a leg and since then it hasn't eaten (5 days) I arn't overly concerned as since i have had it it has periodically fasted but hasn't done so for a while and has lately been eating me out of house and home.
cheers mat
11-09-04, 02:29 PM
In such a situation, i really don't think of ANYTHING but a predator/prey relationship between a water monitor and a cricket.
I figured as much just thought it was a strange coincidence
11-09-04, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by matmq
I figured as much just thought it was a strange coincidence
COINCIDENCE is the key word.
11-09-04, 05:29 PM
I'm a bit confused here. What sort of relationship do you think was implied by the coincidence? Did you think the monitor was fasting because of being upset at accidentally eating his little friend the cricket?
Not taking the pi$$, just curious.
Gary D.
11-09-04, 05:46 PM
i put in a plate full off chopped chick ...the cricket came out and began to feed on it, anyway next morning there was no food left and no sign of the cricket bar a leg and since then it hasn't eaten (5 days)
Man that sounds like one hungry cricket. Mind you I wouldn't be too worried, after a meal like that I would assume a cricket wouldn't be hungry again too soon. Mind you if he does show up I might consider putting him in a different enclosure than the monitor. I have had a young chameleon killed by hungry crickets. Any cricket that can devour a couple of rat pups and a diced chick (bar a leg) might be able to do damage to your little monitor.
11-09-04, 05:52 PM
Now guys lay up on him, its stressful when your monitor might be killed by a cricket.
I'm jsut kidding of course.
No what i meant was had the monitor been using the cricket as a type of sensory crutch to detect when i was coming in to the room or near the enclosure the same way that some species of animal share there burrows with a scorpion, and now the crickets gone the monitor can't use it, because the cricket would chirp until it sensed you come in to the room
11-09-04, 07:30 PM
Ah, thanks. I'd say your monitor has stopped eating for other reasons.
11-09-04, 07:33 PM
me too...
Scales Zoo
11-09-04, 08:12 PM
But more importantly, keeping 2 species together....
What if they interbreed? A water monitor x cricket may be just the animal that can "take out" all of the worlds flor and fauna.
People don't think about this enough.
11-09-04, 08:32 PM
It's already happened in Australia, where things go feral very easily. We even have cricket teams, which travel the world to play against other cricket teams.
11-09-04, 08:33 PM
11-09-04, 08:45 PM
Originally posted by matmq
No what i meant was had the monitor been using the cricket as a type of sensory crutch to detect when i was coming in to the room or near the enclosure the same way that some species of animal share there burrows with a scorpion, and now the crickets gone the monitor can't use it, because the cricket would chirp until it sensed you come in to the room
Are you kidding me?
That monitor has more sensory nerves than that cricket will ever evolve to have.
TRUST ME...your monitor doesnt need a cricket to let it know someones in the room.
People can walk but we still use cars don't we?
11-09-04, 09:09 PM
Your ABSOLUTELY right!
Your monitor is using the cricket to let it know your coming!
What a smart little fellow!
All i was saying is that people and animals alike will use various items or other animals to notify them of danger or for some other purpose, Do a search on it I am sure you will find lots to read.
11-09-04, 09:29 PM
I understand that.
And I'm just saying there is no chance in hell that your monitor is using a tiny cricket to alert it.
If your feeding it Rat Pups, I dont think it will be interested in a tiny cricket. At least my monitors werent after so big.
Dosn't matter now anyway he's eating again, also your writing style leaves a lot to be desired i think most of your posts on this come across as condescending and make you sound a bit of an ***, Yes large monitors will still eat crickets e.t.c i have got a 3ft sav that loves them,
but hey what do i know eh?
11-10-04, 01:18 PM
Thats fine what you think, but your posts make you come across as an *** as well. If you knew anything about your monitor, you would know that no way would it feel bad and make friends witha cricket, and that its not USING the cricket as an alert system.
Now i never once said it had "made friends " with the cricket i was just asking if a monitor come to assosciate the cricket stopping chirping with my presence in the room and with that extra bit of security taken away became more nervous and less comfortable in the open. And do not presume to know me or what i know about my monitors. This is my last post to you on this subject as i have better things to do with my time than banter with a kid
11-10-04, 06:55 PM
could VERY easily be the DUMBEST arguement/conversation I have ever seen
im sorry, this is just really funny
Maybe a stupid argument/question but can you prove it wasn't using the cricket??? Now i didn't mean using the cricket itself but using the crickets chirping
is that clear enough or shall i write it again??
11-10-04, 09:23 PM
This is my last post to you on this subject as i have better things to do with my time than banter with a kid
Why don't people actually follow through with this when they say it? Not picking on you matmq, I've just never been able to understand the rationale behind saying "I'm not ever going to post again", and then postin again 5 minutes later. Its not just you. I see it like once a week during an arguement here and on other online forums. Its always baffled me.
My last post EVER!
;) LOL!
11-10-04, 09:33 PM
It is quite funny!
This is MY last post!
I dont know why I got to argueing (if you want to call it that.) Not even worth it (not saying YOUR not worth it.)
Jeff you have a very valid point,
andI have to agree with boids unlimited it was more amusing than anything, if any offence was taken from my posts it was not meant
Now that is my last post
11-11-04, 04:55 PM
11-11-04, 05:46 PM
NO! Its MY last post! You clowns can't have a last post in MY last post! LOL!
Now, are ya gonna mate that cricket with the goanna and make go-ickets or what?
11-11-04, 11:24 PM
I don't know about breeding a monitor with a cricket, might try it with my tarantula and blackthroat.
New critter will be called an Albigurantula.
What do ya think?
Just imagine a 6 foot hairy lizard with 8 legs.
11-11-04, 11:35 PM
11-11-04, 11:44 PM
Hmmmm...... Cricket X Tarnatula sounds nice! A monster Bird Eater, that can spring 10x its length or more! What a JOY!
11-11-04, 11:55 PM
Now I got nightmares.........
02-12-05, 10:14 PM
ive already bred next project is a red eared slider with a burm!....dont doubt my capabilities.....o sry guys i gotta cricket is telling me i have to go to bed now....sry!....connor
Brent Strande
02-12-05, 10:40 PM
Originally posted by BoidsUnlimited
It is quite funny!
This is MY last post!
I dont know why I got to argueing (if you want to call it that.) Not even worth it (not saying YOUR not worth it.)
Liar. :D
02-15-05, 02:46 PM
ahahahah Jeff!
02-20-05, 02:54 PM
Hey guy's don't hold your breath, I'm still waiting for my cornball 's from Walter from last year still no word on how they are coming along
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