View Full Version : My First Ball!

Brent Strande
11-09-04, 01:32 AM
Well, it wasn't exactly planned, but the price was sure right! I got my first ball python tonight. The university is cutting back on their herp collection, so I was able to adopt a few snakes...

Here's a couple of quick shots of the female ball that they gave me.




She's probably around 4.5 feet or so and weighed in at 1,650g! What a piggie! She's definitely a beauty though! I also picked up a nice subadult female BCI, and two bullsnakes: one normal and one whitesided!

Thanks for looking,

Brent Strande

11-09-04, 01:58 AM
Man I wish I could find some at that price ;)

11-09-04, 02:33 AM
Good stuff man!

11-09-04, 02:44 AM
I'm driving down to Fargo to kidnap her for a few months! LOL ;)

11-09-04, 03:03 AM
Sounds like a good score to me. Adopting animals sometimes means hitting the motherlode. Congrats on yours. Hope to see some pics of the others. :D

11-09-04, 11:00 AM
Congrats. Thats one amazing score! Now all you need is a nice male :D

11-09-04, 03:08 PM
RED STRIPE BRAP BRAP...good beer!!! ;) (had to say that seeing as I'm jamaican...lol sorry) cool snake too lol sounds like you got a real steal there.


11-09-04, 03:12 PM
You *Bleep*, thats an awesome score. Man I wish my school were giving away some herps.

11-09-04, 04:17 PM
Originally posted by Phrasty
RED STRIPE BRAP BRAP...good beer!!! ;) (had to say that seeing as I'm jamaican...lol sorry) cool snake too lol sounds like you got a real steal there.


I wanted to be the first to give props to the Red Stripe!! LOL..

Good looking snake Brent!! Awesome deal man!


11-09-04, 10:31 PM
That's sweet! :D Congrats on getting such a beautiful girl -- at such an awesome price ;) I might be just a *little* bit jealous, but congrats all the same. LOL.


Brent Strande
11-10-04, 03:42 AM
Even better news... I offered food to all the new snakes tonight (actually, offered a rat to the normal bull last night and he took!) and they each took!

So, not only did I get a FREE, ADULT, ball python, but it's FEEDING ON RATS!!! Score!

11-10-04, 12:13 PM
Beautiful BP sounds like you got a great deal!!!!

11-10-04, 03:05 PM
good to see you on another forum lol
o by the way its VFT :)

11-10-04, 03:42 PM
whatup VFT

Brent Strande
11-10-04, 07:09 PM
Hey VFT! Hows things?

Didn't know you were on here too!

11-10-04, 11:23 PM
lol im all over

freind from school is on this site so i thought i would get back and see whos all around