View Full Version : A few subflavus pics...

Ryan and Katie
11-07-04, 07:33 PM
We couldn't resist taking some new shots of our little jamaicans after seeing Linds' pics. Jamaican boas have such an unique appearance. Thanks for looking!


Same female


Same male

And again same male...

11-07-04, 07:38 PM

So many snakes, so little time!


Asian Jon
11-07-04, 09:43 PM
I love them, I have never seen snakes like that before. Thanks for the pics, truly appreciated.

11-07-04, 09:47 PM
Beautiful snakes guys -- I especially like the male (I'm partial to the orangey-ness he's got... lol). They look great, thanks for sharing the pics... and best of luck with them come breeding time! :)


11-07-04, 10:21 PM
Those things remind me of scrub pythons so much. They are beauties.
Great shots.

11-07-04, 10:24 PM
they kinda look like atb's to me

11-07-04, 11:34 PM
Very cool snakes! :)

Tim and Julie B
11-08-04, 06:07 PM
They are high on my to get list! They will be mine.....oh yes they will be mine......mawaahaha.

11-08-04, 06:24 PM
They look great! How's the temperaments coming along on yours as they mature? My male has mellowed out a wee bit, but will still give a bite, not nearly as much of a musker. My female has actually become less shy, and will approach me when I open the cage instead of hiding, but is definitely as much of a musker as she always was. Definitely post again soon! So few people keeping these guys, it's nice to hear other's experiences and methods :)

Ryan and Katie
11-08-04, 09:07 PM
Thanks for all the replies! :)

Linds - Our male is still very shy and continues to be a bit of a musker but this year was his first to accept food off tongs so he is getting a bit braver with age. Both of our females are much less reclusive than the male and will still take a swing at you if you move to quick but they have some moments of good behaviour. One of the girls is a little less of a musker than the other. All of them were really good when we had them out for the pics. Only one of them managed to musk and no bites although if you look at the second pic I'm pretty sure she was ready to let us know it was time to go back home. :)