View Full Version : There is a god!!

11-07-04, 03:43 PM
Today is my lucky day! I know this post has been made so many times (lol) but BOTH bp's ate there first rat today!!! Man I couldnt be happier.

And sorry for denying people before about my male and keeping him a mouse eater. All it takes is patience, and they will eventually all (well at least my two) will go to rats.

All I did this time was defrost them in the same bag, and scent each rat with a mouse.

The female struck right away after hissing, which was quite odd.

Then the male struck and missed, and this is where my dream shattered lol, but then he struck again and nailed it!

This is also the first time ive tried smaller rats (hoppers) Maybe the male was scared of the bigger rats I was trying before. This is the first time I tried for the female.

So all in all, great day!

PS: You know your a herper when a good day consists of your ball python switching to rats from mice :D:rolleyes:

11-07-04, 03:58 PM
Sweet! I know the feeling your going through right now and it is a good one!

11-07-04, 09:24 PM
Congrats, I went nuts when my BP ate his first rat!

Asian Jon
11-07-04, 09:34 PM
Nice to hear !! I am still waiting fro my BP to get big enough so I can switch to rats.

11-07-04, 11:00 PM
BP's can eat good sized fuzzy rats from day one, so you dont have to wait any longer Asian Jon :)

Asian Jon
11-07-04, 11:33 PM
oh yea, i feel so stupid. I guess I will give it a shot when I order some rats.

11-08-04, 07:16 PM
congrats bartman!

11-10-04, 11:32 PM
good to hear...now get ready to spend more money on rats lol

11-10-04, 11:35 PM
Why, in relation to size, rats are MUCH cheeper. For example, a jumbo mouse compared to a hopper rat. I pay 2 bucks for a Jumbo mouse, and a buck twenty for a hopper rat.

Plus, I get 25 percent off :)

11-10-04, 11:44 PM
.....man i wish i lived were ever it is you do lol

11-10-04, 11:50 PM
haha why? How much would you pay?

11-10-04, 11:55 PM
if you were to buy them at my local "pet shop" and i will use the term loosely lol you would pay like $2.99 for a super small rat and $5.99 for what they call large (about the size of a large small most of the time)

11-11-04, 10:51 AM
The Jumbo rats are about 4.99 I think. And they are MASSIVE :D